babylonjs-vite Public template
Forked from paganaye/babylonjs-vite-boilerplateTypeScript Other UpdatedOct 4, 2024 -
CapStone-BackEnd Public
Forked from saragilani/CapStone-BackEndOrbit: CapStone (BackEnd) team project Using Spring Boot - Spring Web, Spring Boot DevTools, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security and PostgreSQL Driver to create an platform that allows users (Carers) …
Java UpdatedFeb 17, 2023 -
Frontend_Events Public
A group project creating a React app for viewing and booking events.
9.4_Chess_ReactApi Public
lab: creating a react app to utilise the chess.com api.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 27, 2023 -
8.4_React_Bakery Public
lab: created a React app to display cakes and recipes. Used Arrays and mapping.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 24, 2023 -
7.3_CarDealership_Functions Public
lab: created car and dealership classes with properties and methods for counting cars, adding cars to stock, returning arrays etc. Customer class with wallet and buyCar() method which allows them t…
JavaScript UpdatedJan 21, 2023 -
8.3_Fetch_Requests Public
lab: using an external API, create fetch requests to return countries and specific properties of a user inputed country
practice_JS_Events Public
Going back over a paired lab on my own to improve my understanding. Lab is an introduction to JS events, tasked with create a submit and delete button for a to-do list(form)
JavaScript UpdatedJan 18, 2023 -
8.1_HTML-CSS Public
lab: created basic website structure following example of Playstaion.com using HTML and CSS. Began exploring grids and flexbox.
HTML UpdatedJan 17, 2023 -
7.2_Calculator_Testing Public
lab: created functional calculator and odd/even method. Tested all functions using Jest.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 10, 2023 -
7.1_Arrays_Objects Public
lab: fixing variable declarations and running file using node
JavaScript UpdatedJan 9, 2023 -
5.3_ChocolateCollab Public
Forked from eesaa-sheikh/ChocolateCollablab: used hibernate and JPA annotations for a One to Many relationship between chocolate and estates. Used a data loader to seed a local database and created controllers with get requests.
Java UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
5.2_Lab_Spring_Movies Public
lab: created a Spring Boot project with dependencies. Integrated an SQL database into the API. Used model, repository, controller and service to integrate and tested all routes using Postman.
Java UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
5.1_Intro_To_Spring Public
Lab: created a Spring Boot app with a RESTful API. Used a controller to accept requests to the localhost, created a method accepting GET requests and returning a greeting as a POJO.
Java UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
4.4_Lab_SQL_safari Public
lab: created an ERD to show relationships between classes, created a table in Postgres database, populated tables and used derived queries to return specific information.
UpdatedDec 1, 2022 -
4.1_Lab_Airline Public
lab: created a Command Line Interface for a flight booking system with the functionality to: add flights, display flights, add/remove passengers, cancel flights.
practice_airlineBooking Public
Practicing multiple class, polymorphism, abstract classes etc. Created an airline cooking system combining some functionality I learnt about through the Gallery lab, Vehicle Interfaces lab and Bank…
Java UpdatedNov 25, 2022 -
3.5_parentheses_checker Public
lab: created a Parentheses Checker using a Stack data structure. TDD.
Java UpdatedNov 24, 2022