Discord bot that logs all changes on your Discord server! When using this code please give credits to DEEM#6666!
Follow these instructions on how to use the bot.
1. Press the green "Code" button at the top of the repo.
2. Download the full code via the "Download ZIP" button
3. Extract the files to your desktop and open the files in Visual Studio Code (or other text editor)
"guildID": "1050735132182581288",
"channels": {
"channellog": "1069250417105567824",
"emojilog": "1069255441063891044",
"banlog": "1009561547468701756",
"unbanlog": "1009842927561871372",
"joinlog": "1009844170942324926",
"leavelog": "1010592671200464976",
"owner": "975898528859697182",
"version": "1.4.0" // Dont change this!
4. Change things in the .env and src/utils/config.json files, then open a terminal and run the following commands
Downloading discord.js
npm i discord.js@latest
Download the necessary modules:
npm i
Then use this command to turn on the bot:
node .
- colors Copyright (c) Marak, used under license MIT.
- dotenv Copyright (c) motdotla, used under license BSD 2-Clause.
- figlet Copyright (c) patorjk, used under license MIT.
- moment Copyright (c) Moment.js, used under license MIT.
- 16.08.22 - Fixed broken presence and finished channelUpdate log
- 17.08.22 - Code has been improved, logger has been added to event folder and emoji logger has been added
- 18.08.22 - Added ban and join log
- 29.01.23 - Modified code to discord.js version 14.7.1
If I see you using this code as your own, I will report the license violation to GitHub