A script for dating the branching points of different organisms, using the 4fold degenerate dating method, analysing the mutations in the protein-coding sequences.
The mutation rate used is the mutation Rate of A.thaliana.
1.3*(10**-8) Substitutions/year
To adapt the parsing of gene-name search "parsing" in the script.
Use option "-h" or "--help" for further information.
--transcript <maker.fa>
--gff <maker.gff>
--vcf <vcf_file>
--cores <int> *specify nr of threads, default=cpu_count-1*
--mincov <int> *opt, one integer, multiple can be given for each sample comma separated in sample order of vcf columns*
--single *opt, consider only single variants(default!)*
--multi *opt, consider only multi variants*
--all *opt, consider single and multi variants*
--save_filtered_vcfs *opt,safe vcf with valid ffdg snp's for each sample pair*
--ffdg_pos_output *opt,safe ffdg positions on contigs*
*search for filtering (default: mindiff >=1 & ratio <=0.05)*
*pre-filter vcf with vcftools recommended, only snp's*
*for parsing adaptions search'parsing' in script*
*in multivariant mode each variant is seen as a own snp*
*change mutation rate in script (search 'substitution' in script)*
default is A.thaliana 1.3*(10**-8)(mut/(bp*year))
install packages with anaconda