Jobandtalent is a Staffing Agency whose mission is to reduce the operational costs of finding the right workers for the companies. All the services for the workers are provided through Jobandtalent's mobile app.
During 5 years I worked in different cross-functional teams building features for the iOS app. For example:
- Candidates application flow
- Video interviews
- Candidate's curriculum
- Sign Contracts
- Shifts management
- Worker's payments
- In-app support center
I was involved in the whole feature development lifecycle. I worked together with Product Managers, Designers, Backend developers, Data Analysts, and QA teams.
I also worked building the mobile API endpoints. These endpoints are developed over the Phoenix framework and written in Elixir.
Nowadays, I have been promoted to the iOS Core Team. My mission is to improve the performance of the app and the delivery time of the iOS developers. This is done by building custom tooling and improving the project infrastructure. The most important projects I work on are:
- Scripts to automate complex tasks like uploading new versions to the App Store.
- Improve the CI infrastructure build over Github Actions.
- Modularization of the app with SPM.
- Contribute to the app's custom Unidirectional Reactive architecture.
Besides, I contribute to the Android app writing small features in Kotlin. I am learning Jetpack Compose to become a better engineer.
I worked as a freelance iOS developer for different clients, in particular:
I worked for the Agile Monkeys company building a clothing shopping app for the Dolls Kill brand.
The main challenges of this project were:
- Create custom navigations and animations.
- Images were preloaded and cached to make a better UX when loading catalog images.
- Handling payments.
- Mentoring junior developers.
I developed an enterprise iPad app called Visa Card Lab used by the Visa sales department to present different credit card designs to business customers.
The main challenges of this project were:
- Create completely custom UI and animations.
- Download documents concurrently.
- Store encrypted documents.
- Persist data using CoreData.
- Users access management.
- Fulfill Visa security requirements.
iOS Lead Developer at Next Chance Invest.
We developed the Critizen app. A mobile app where users can complain and criticize products and services. The main features of the app were:
- The complaints could be done offline and posted later on.
- To have a preload twitter-like feed.
To support those features, the app was build using:
- CoreData to store the feed and the user complaints drafts.
- Feed synchronization with the backend.
- VIPER architecture.
My main responsibilities as an iOS Lead developer were:
- Defining the iOS app architecture.
- Defining the testing infrastructure.
- Implementing the core components of the app, for example, the API Client, the persistence layer, image caching, etc.
- Leading the development process synching with Product managers, designers, and backend developers.
- Managing a team of 3 developers.
- Managing new hirings.
Minube is a social network for travelers. This company has a main product, the Minube app. This app gives access to the whole content of Minube and also includes features only possible on mobile devices, taking advantage of the device's camera and the GPS among others.
I was in charge of the iOS app development in a team of 3 developers. The main challenges of the app were:
- Using the app offline. For example, letting the user download the content for offline usage. For that, we used CoreData.
- Post places of interest with reach content like video, pictures, and GPS location.
- In-app purchases to allow users to buy editorial content.
- Organized and propose user's trips automatically based on the metadata of the images of the device gallery.
- Richer custom UI elements and animations.
- Support for iPhone and iPad.
Worth mentioning, the Minube app was awarded as the Best app in Spain for iPhone in 2011.
Besides, we developed Minube guides, a template application. Minube sells this product to different travel companies or organizations. They can customize the branding of the app and its content, building custom travel guides. This product was based on:
- A web application where the content and the branding can be edited by an editorial team. Then, this content is packaged in a bundle and included in the template app.
- Downloaded maps so the users can use the app offline.
- In-app purchases to buy more content.
- Support for iPhone and iPad.
I started my engineering career as part of the Security Lab, carrying out managerial and development tasks in several projects for the European Community.
Master's Degree in Open Source Software
Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
The Navigator - Another Twist to iOS Navigations
In this post, I talk about the different approaches followed to architecture the navigation of the Jobandtalent app, how and why we moved from more complex designs to simpler ones.