This project involves designing a programming language for drones, writing its lexical analyzer and building a parser for our design using the yacc
This repository contains these files:
RollPL.lex: This file contains the lexical analyzer for our programming language.
RollPL.yacc: This yacc file is the parser of our programming language. If the input file has valid syntax, it prints a success message. Otherwise, it prints an error message indicating the line number of erroneous line.
RollPL.test: This is an example program which is written in Roll programming language.
Makefile: This Makefile produces a complete parser as an executable file and sends the test program to this executable.
BNF description of the language:
• variable identifiers
• assignment operator
• precedence, associativity of the operators
• expressions (arithmetic, relational, boolean, their combination)
• loops
• conditional statements
• statements for input / output
• function definitions and function calls.
• comments
• primitive functions for:
o reading the inclination of the drone
o reading the altitude
o reading the temperature
o reading the acceleration
o turning on/off video camera
o taking pictures with video camera
o reading current timestamp from timer
o connecting to the base computer through wi-fi