Asterinas is a secure, fast, and general-purpose OS kernel, written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI.
This project is a cross-platform serial port assistant. It can run on WINDOWS, linux、android、macos system.
lancetw / ebook-1
Forked from jyfc/ebookA collection of classic computer science books from Internet
DercyCheng / CPP
Forked from ShujiaHuang/Cpp-Primer-Plus-6th《C++ Primer Plus 第6版(中文版)》原书代码、习题答案和个人笔记,仅供学习和交流。
📈 Leek box - Monitor the real-time data of stock & fund & future in VSCode, Be the most excellent investment extension. 韭菜盒子VSCode插件,可以看股票、基金、期货等实时数据。
Resource efficient UPnP/DLNA renderer, optimal for Raspberry Pi, CuBox or a general MediaServer. Fork of GMediaRenderer to add some features to make it usable.
libupnp: Build UPnP-compliant control points, devices, and bridges on several operating systems.
The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
ECDH and ECDSA for 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit processors.
ExplorerPatcher Chinese L10n - 在 Windows 11 上恢复高效的工作环境
The AI-native database built for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast hybrid search of dense vector, sparse vector, tensor (multi-vector), and full-text
A GUI for SSHFS-Win (
The iputils package is set of small old utilities for Linux networking.
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core. Where the magic happens.
Playing with the VMProtect software protection. Automatic deobfuscation of pure functions using symbolic execution and LLVM.
🐞 下一代C/C++跨平台mock库 (Next generation cross-platform mock library for C/C++)
铜锁/Tongsuo is a Modern Cryptographic Primitives and Protocols Library
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.