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Don't throw an exception when R not installed (fixes fslaborg#48)
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Gustavo Guerra committed Oct 26, 2013
1 parent 9a43402 commit c37d665
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 93 deletions.
207 changes: 114 additions & 93 deletions src/RProvider/RProvider.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,120 +14,141 @@ open RInterop
open Microsoft.Win32
open System.IO

module internal ProviderUtils =
type private RLocation =
| RLocation of string
| RNotFound of string

module private ProviderUtils =

// Have to be careful that this code is in its own module
// If it is in some other module, which might be initialized before the PATH is set, we will get initialization exceptions
let rLocation =

let locateRfromRegistry () =
let rCore =
match Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey @"SOFTWARE\R-core", Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey @"SOFTWARE\R-core" with
| null, null -> failwithf "Reg key Software\R-core does not exist; R is likely not installed on this computer"
| null, x -> x
| x, _ -> x

let key = rCore.OpenSubKey "R"
if key = null then
failwith "SOFTWARE\R-core exists but subkey R does not exist"

key.GetValue "InstallPath" |> unbox
let getRLocationFromRCoreKey (rCore:RegistryKey) =
let key = rCore.OpenSubKey "R"
if key = null then
RNotFound "SOFTWARE\R-core exists but subkey R does not exist"
key.GetValue "InstallPath" |> unbox |> RLocation

match Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey @"SOFTWARE\R-core", Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey @"SOFTWARE\R-core" with
| null, null -> RNotFound "Reg key Software\R-core does not exist; R is likely not installed on this computer"
| null, x -> getRLocationFromRCoreKey x
| x, _ -> getRLocationFromRCoreKey x

match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "R_HOME" with
| null -> locateRfromRegistry()
| rPath -> rPath

| rPath -> RLocation rPath

type public RProvider(cfg:TypeProviderConfig) as this =
inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces()

// R potentially may be not installed - handle this in static constructor for improved diag (G.B.)
static do
let binPath = Path.Combine(ProviderUtils.rLocation, "bin", if Environment.Is64BitProcess then "x64" else "i386")
if not (Path.Combine(binPath, "R.dll") |> File.Exists) then
failwithf "No R engine at %s" binPath

// Set the path
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";" + binPath)
static let initializationError = lazy (
match ProviderUtils.rLocation with
| RNotFound errorMessage -> Some errorMessage
| RLocation rLocation ->
let binPath = Path.Combine(rLocation, "bin", if Environment.Is64BitProcess then "x64" else "i386")
if not (Path.Combine(binPath, "R.dll") |> File.Exists) then
Some <| sprintf "No R engine at %s" binPath
// Set the path
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";" + binPath)

// Get the assembly and namespace used to house the provided types
let asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
let ns = "RProvider"

// Expose all available packages as namespaces
for package in getPackages() do
let pns = ns + "." + package
let pty = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, pns, "R", Some(typeof<obj>))

pty.AddXmlDocDelayed <| fun () -> getPackageDescription package
pty.AddMembersDelayed( fun () ->
[ loadPackage package
let bindings = getBindings package

// We get the function descriptions for R the first time they are needed
let titles = lazy getFunctionDescriptions package

for name, rval in Map.toSeq bindings do
let memberName = makeSafeName name
match rval with
| RValue.Function(paramList, hasVarArgs) ->
let paramList = [ for p in paramList ->
ProvidedParameter(makeSafeName p, typeof<obj>, optionalValue=null)

if hasVarArgs then
yield ProvidedParameter("paramArray", typeof<obj[]>, optionalValue=null, isParamArray=true)

let paramCount = paramList.Length

let pm = ProvidedMethod(
methodName = memberName,
parameters = paramList,
returnType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStaticMethod = true,
InvokeCode = fun args -> if args.Length <> paramCount then
failwithf "Expected %d arguments and received %d" paramCount args.Length

if hasVarArgs then
let namedArgs =
Array.sub (Array.ofList args) 0 (paramCount-1)
|> List.ofArray
let namedArgs = Quotations.Expr.NewArray(typeof<obj>, namedArgs)
let varArgs = args.[paramCount-1]
<@@ package name %%namedArgs %%varArgs @@>
let namedArgs = Quotations.Expr.NewArray(typeof<obj>, args)
<@@ package name %%namedArgs [||] @@> )

pm.AddXmlDocDelayed (fun () -> match titles.Value.TryFind name with
| Some docs -> docs
| None -> "No documentation available")

yield pm :> MemberInfo

// Yield an additional overload that takes a Dictionary<string, object>
// This variant is more flexible for constructing lists, data frames etc.
let pdm = ProvidedMethod(
methodName = memberName,
parameters = [ ProvidedParameter("paramsByName", typeof<IDictionary<string,obj>>) ],
returnType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStaticMethod = true,
InvokeCode = fun args -> if args.Length <> 1 then
failwithf "Expected 1 argument and received %d" args.Length
let argsByName = args.[0]
<@@ let vals = %%argsByName: IDictionary<string,obj>
let valSeq = vals :> seq<KeyValuePair<string, obj>>
RInterop.callFunc package name valSeq null @@> )
yield pdm :> MemberInfo
| RValue.Value ->
yield ProvidedProperty(
propertyName = memberName,
propertyType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStatic = true,
GetterCode = fun _ -> <@@ package name [| |] [| |] @@>) :> MemberInfo ] )

this.AddNamespace(pns, [ pty ])

match initializationError.Value with
| Some error ->
// add an error static property (shown when typing `R.`)
let pty = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, ns, "R", Some(typeof<obj>))
let prop = ProvidedProperty("<Error>", typeof<string>, IsStatic = true, GetterCode = fun _ -> <@@ error @@>)
prop.AddXmlDoc error
pty.AddMember prop
this.AddNamespace(ns, [ pty ])
// add an error namespace (shown when typing `open RProvider.`)
this.AddNamespace(ns + ".Error: " + error, [ pty ])
| None ->
for package in getPackages() do
let pns = ns + "." + package
let pty = ProvidedTypeDefinition(asm, pns, "R", Some(typeof<obj>))

pty.AddXmlDocDelayed <| fun () -> getPackageDescription package
pty.AddMembersDelayed( fun () ->
[ loadPackage package
let bindings = getBindings package

// We get the function descriptions for R the first time they are needed
let titles = lazy getFunctionDescriptions package

for name, rval in Map.toSeq bindings do
let memberName = makeSafeName name
match rval with
| RValue.Function(paramList, hasVarArgs) ->
let paramList = [ for p in paramList ->
ProvidedParameter(makeSafeName p, typeof<obj>, optionalValue=null)

if hasVarArgs then
yield ProvidedParameter("paramArray", typeof<obj[]>, optionalValue=null, isParamArray=true)

let paramCount = paramList.Length

let pm = ProvidedMethod(
methodName = memberName,
parameters = paramList,
returnType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStaticMethod = true,
InvokeCode = fun args -> if args.Length <> paramCount then
failwithf "Expected %d arguments and received %d" paramCount args.Length

if hasVarArgs then
let namedArgs =
Array.sub (Array.ofList args) 0 (paramCount-1)
|> List.ofArray
let namedArgs = Quotations.Expr.NewArray(typeof<obj>, namedArgs)
let varArgs = args.[paramCount-1]
<@@ package name %%namedArgs %%varArgs @@>
let namedArgs = Quotations.Expr.NewArray(typeof<obj>, args)
<@@ package name %%namedArgs [||] @@> )

pm.AddXmlDocDelayed (fun () -> match titles.Value.TryFind name with
| Some docs -> docs
| None -> "No documentation available")

yield pm :> MemberInfo

// Yield an additional overload that takes a Dictionary<string, object>
// This variant is more flexible for constructing lists, data frames etc.
let pdm = ProvidedMethod(
methodName = memberName,
parameters = [ ProvidedParameter("paramsByName", typeof<IDictionary<string,obj>>) ],
returnType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStaticMethod = true,
InvokeCode = fun args -> if args.Length <> 1 then
failwithf "Expected 1 argument and received %d" args.Length
let argsByName = args.[0]
<@@ let vals = %%argsByName: IDictionary<string,obj>
let valSeq = vals :> seq<KeyValuePair<string, obj>>
RInterop.callFunc package name valSeq null @@> )
yield pdm :> MemberInfo
| RValue.Value ->
yield ProvidedProperty(
propertyName = memberName,
propertyType = typeof<SymbolicExpression>,
IsStatic = true,
GetterCode = fun _ -> <@@ package name [| |] [| |] @@>) :> MemberInfo ] )

this.AddNamespace(pns, [ pty ])


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