A website displaying hundreds of charts made with Python
A collection of simple graphics made with D3.js
Graphic user interface for
Repository for the GA4GH Benchmarking Team work developing standardized benchmarking methods for germline small variant calls
Bioinformatics Workbook repository
DataTables Example (server-side) - Python Django REST framework
This repository provide tutorials regarding using Plotly offline package in python.
Multi-sample genome coverage viewer to observe large, coverage-based anomalies alongside annotations and sample metadata
A tool to benchmark mappers and different parameters within minutes
➰ Draw genetic elements with HTML & CSS
A framework to annotate SVs with previous known SVs (vcf file) and or with genomic features (gff and or bed files)
Luigi pipelines and Dockerized apps for bioinformatics and data science
D3 plugin to make a table out of a list of objects. Includes examples.
Data and code to reproduce the analysis in the CardioBoost manuscript
example of a report generated by poreTally