GIFT(Google Imapact Factor Tools) - Chrome/Edge plugin to get the Google Scholar Impact Factor
LynxAligner, is a sequence alignment software developed using Rust and the seed-extend algorithm
Manipulating sequencing data is like playing with LEGO bricks.
The interactive graphing library for Python ✨
A python implementation of the Burrows Wheeler Alignment for DNA sequence matching
A PyTorch Basecaller for Oxford Nanopore Reads
Framework for building fast genomics web tools with WebAssembly and WebWorkers
A genome browser designed for complex structural variants and long reads.
D3 plugin to make a table out of a list of objects. Includes examples.
My Solution for PrecisionFDA Brain Cancer Predictive Modeling and Biomarker Discovery Challenge
Scripts supporting identification of genomic features affecting survival time in cancer
CaPSSA: A visual evaluation of cancer biomarker genes for patient stratification and survival analysis using mutation and expression data
Multi-sample genome coverage viewer to observe large, coverage-based anomalies alongside annotations and sample metadata
Data and code to reproduce the analysis in the CardioBoost manuscript
Practical Deep Learning for Genomic Prediction: A Keras based guide to implement deep learning
Cloud agnostic genomics analysis, scientific computation and storage platform
single-nucleus nanopore reads processing pipeline
Single Cell Long Read is a suite of tools dedicated to Cell barcode / UMI assignment and analysis of highly multiplexed single cell Nanopore long read sequencing data.
Miscellaneous collection of Python and R scripts for processing Iso-Seq data
A fully functional Twitter Clone built with Django.
A repository for the lessons and notebooks used for Binder tutorials