Summative work as part of the fourth year of my degree.
The relation between stars and gas in distant galaxies
Applying Python computational skills to research the relationship between stars and gas in galaxies. To understand whether the scaling relations defined for local redshift z=0 galaxies are applicable to galaxies with z>0.
The measurement of the Hubble Constant: beyond the cosmic ladder
As a result of taking a Level 3 module at Level 4, a 1500 word dissertation is required as part of the assessment. Research into various "future" methods in meausring Hubble's constant was performed. This includes methods such as measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background and employing the various effects of gravity.
Modelling the El Niño Southern Oscillations through the work of Zebiak-Cane
Studying and exploring the failures of the Zebiak-Cane El Niño Southern Oscillations model and suggesting potential alternatives. This 2000 word essay allows for an Earth Sciences student to perform and present independent research into a topic of their choice.
Testing the Milankovitch-Croll hypothesis using δ^{18}O foram data
Using benthic foram data from deep ocean sediment cores and comparing this with orbital data to verify the Milankovitch-Croll hypothesis. The final 2-page report is the summative piece of work submitted for assessment for Michaelmas Term.
Oxygen isotope evidence for Antarctic glaciation
Exploring the various types of evidence for Antartic glaciation over the course of the Earth's history. This forms the summative piece of work for Epiphany Term and it culminates in the form of an academic poster.