This is a webpack loader for opening files in arbitrary encodings.
v1.0.0 - Initial release
npm install iconv-lite-loader
The loader itself request the input as raw data, decodes it and exports the resulting string. The iconv-lite library is used for that, because it doesn't need native bindings and claims to be faster than iconv. It could be used with the "complete" iconv library with a few changes. If you need it, please open a issue.
//in webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: /\.txt(\?.*)?$/, loader: "inconv-lite?inputEncoding=iso-8859-1"}
This will set the default encoding of txt files to ISO-8859-1. You can override this (per request) by using a parameter:
text = require("chinese.txt?inputEncoding=gb2312")
The only real dependency is the iconv-lite library. This should hopefully build easily, even on windows. If not, please let me hear about it.