RecyclerView? ListView or ViewGroup? No, it's Canvas! Ultra performance and free customization interface! Vertical and horizontal, Fast rendering and extremely low memory. Android上一个优雅、万能自定义UI、仿iOS…
Event bus for Android and Java that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality.
DEPRECATED Java library to automate the analysis of Android heap dumps.
Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views.
🚀 Android 版本更新 🚀 a library for android version update 🚀
🔥 👍 🌟 ⭐ ⭐⭐ Flutter all you want.Flutter install,flutter samples,Flutter projects,Flutter plugin,Flutter problems,Dart codes,etc.Flutter安装和配置,Flutter开发遇到的难题,Flutter示例代码和模板,Flutter项目实战,Dart语言学习示例代码。
一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework
An asynchronous, callback-based Http client for Android built on top of Apache's HttpClient libraries.
🔥折线图、Retrofit、RxJava、RxLifecycle、DataBinding、MVP、MVVM、自动化测试工具UiAutomator、自定义控件、RecyclerView扩展组件、NDK开发、Design Support Library、蓝牙BLE开发、正则表达式
Inherited This library allows you to easily achieve the drop-down refresh and upload more
Android开发人员不得不收集的工具类集合 | 支付宝支付 | 微信支付(统一下单) | 微信分享 | Zip4j压缩(支持分卷压缩与加密) | 一键集成UCrop选择圆形头像 | 一键集成二维码和条形码的扫描与生成 | 常用Dialog | WebView的封装可播放视频 | 仿斗鱼滑动验证码 | Toast封装 | 震动 | GPS | Location定位 | 图片缩放 | Exif…