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What is DEVSimPy

DEVSimPy is an open-source project (under GPL V.3 license) supported by the SPE (Sciences pour l'Environnement) team of the UMR CNRS 6134 Lab. of the University of Corsica "Pasquale Paoli". The project aims to provide a GUI for the Modeling & Simulation of PyDEVS and PyPDEVS models. PyDEVS is an API that allows the implementation of the DEVS formalism in the Python language. PyPDEVS is the parallel version of PyDEVS based on the Parallel DEVS formalism, which is an extension of the DEVS formalism.

The DEVSimPy environment has been developed in Python with the wxPython graphical library without strong dependencies other than the Scipy and the Numpy scientific Python libraries. The basic idea behind DEVSimPy is to wrap the PyDEVS API with a GUI, allowing a significant simplification of handling PyDEVS/PyPDEVS models (such as the coupling between models or their storage into libraries).


The use of DEVSimPy requires:

DEVSimPy should be used like a normal Python file. You can either double-click on the file located in the root directory or run python in a Python console.

For users who prefer not to install Python with all dependencies, Portable Python (version 2.x) can be used. Extract the DEVSimPy archive and edit the file with PyScripter to execute it. Alternatively, users can run DEVSimPy through the conda environment file loaded using the conda_devsimpy_env.yml file (available from the DEVSimPy-site repository).

A virtual machine with XUbuntu 19.10, including DEVSimPy, can be downloaded from DEVSimPy-on-XUbuntu19.10.ova. The login and password for the distribution (root) are: devsimpy-user/devsimpy. To get the latest version of DEVSimPy, execute 'git pull' in the DEVSimPy directory before starting or start DEVSimPy by double-clicking on the desktop icon and going to Help->Update->From Git Repository (pull).


With DEVSimPy, you can:

  • Model a DEVS system and save or export it into a library.
  • Edit the code of a DEVS model to modify behavior (also during the simulation).
  • Import existing libraries of models (Python code or DEVSimPy-specific models) to enable domain-specific modeling (e.g., Power system, continuous, etc.).
  • Automatically simulate the system and perform analysis during the simulation (using the suspend option).
  • Load plugins to extend DEVSimPy for activities like tracking, simulating with visual tools, etc.
  • Generate YAML models for the DEVSimPy-mob mobile application.
  • And more.

DEVSimPy can be executed from the command line using the script. For example, assuming the file test.dsp was already modeled with DEVSimPy, the following command line can be used to simulate it for 10 simulation time steps with the PDEVS kernel:

python test.dsp -sim 10 -kernel pdevs

$ python devsimpy-nogui test.dsp -kernel PyDEVS 10

For more information about the use of the devsimpy-nogui script, type python -h

The simulation process used by DEVSimPy can be used through a REST API by installing the DEVSimPy-REST server.


To get DEVSimPy v4.0 package with all Git submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules -b version-4.0 --depth=1
$ git fetch --unshallow 

DEVSimPy depends on PyPubSub, pyyaml, ruamel.yaml and other packages included in the requirements.txt file. All dependencies can be installed using pip with the requirements.txt file:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To execute DEVSimPy:

$ python

For os X users, is required in order to use pythonw instead of python to execute the file:

$ pythonw

If some difficulties are incontred with the wxPython installation, you can check the repo in install with command:

$ pip install -i correct_file.whl


  • DEVSimPy User Guide v2.8 [pdf] (French)
  • S. Toma Ph.D, Thesis [pdf] (English), winner of the 2014 DEVS PhD Dissertation Award.
  • S. Cezary, "Design and implementation of application for instruction exercises with DEVSimPy", Technical report, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, AUTOMATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Kielce University of Technology [pdf] (Polish)



Some papers concerning DEVSimPy:

  • L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, B.P. Zeigler, MS4Me and DEVSimPy, demo à JDF 2016 - Les Journées DEVS Francophones - Théorie et Applications, 11-15 Avril, 2016, ISBN 9782364935396, Cargese, France.
  • L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, DEVSimPy : Interface graphique développée en langage Python et la librairie wxPython, Jounrées Développement Logiciel de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (JDEVS 2015), 30 juin -3 juillet, 2015, Bordeaux INP - ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
  • S. Sehili, L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, S. Lavirotte, J.Y. Tigli, "Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation for IoT Efficient Design Combining WComp and DEVSimPy Framework", in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH), July 21-23, 2015, ISBN 978-989-758-120-5, Colmar, Alsace, France, pp. 44-52.
  • T. Ville, L. Capocchi, J. F. Santucci, "DEVS models design and test using AGILE-based methods with DEVSimPy", in Proc. of the 26th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry) (EMSS), Sept. 10-12, 2014, Agora Multi-Purpose Complex, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux (France), ISBN 978-88-979999-44-7, pp. 563-569.
  • L. Capocchi, J. F. Santucci, T. Ville, "Software test automation using DEVSimPy environment", in Proc. of the ACM SIGSIM conference on Principles of advanced discrete simulation (PADS), May 5-8, 2013, Montreal (Canada), ISBN 978-1-4503-1920-1, pp. 343-348.
  • L. Capocchi, J. F. Santucci, "Discrete Optimization via Simulation of Catchment Basin Management Within the DEVSimPy Framework", in Proc. of the IEEE/ACM Wintersim Conference (WSC) , Dec. 7-10, 2013, Marriot Hotel, Washington DC, ISBN 978-1-4799-2077-8, pp. 205-216. (CORE B)
  • J. F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, "Implementation and Analysis of DEVS Activity-Tracking with DEVSimPy", in Proc. of ACTIMS ITM Web of Conferences , 2013, DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20130101001, ISBN 978-2-7598-1108-3, 9 pages.
  • J. F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, "Catchment Basin Optimized Management using a Simulation Approach within DEVSimPy Framework", in Proc. of the Summer Simulation Multiconference , June 8-11, 2012, Genova (Italie), ISBN 978-1-61839-984-7, pp. 28-36. (CORE B)
  • J.F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, A Proposed Evolution of DEVSimPy Environment Towards Activity Tracking, Cargese Activity-based Modeling and Simulation (Cargese - ACTIMS'2012), 5 pages, Cargese (Corse), May 28 - 1 June 2012.
  • L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci DEVSimPy : un environnement Python de simulation des systèmes à événements discrets, PHPSolutions, Decembre 2011.
  • L. Capocchi, J. F. Santucci, B. Poggi, C. Nicolai, "DEVSimPy: A Collaborative Python Software for Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Systems", in Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures, June 27-29, 2011, Paris (France), ISBN 978-1-4577-0134-4, pp. 170-175. (CORE B)

If you use DEVSimPy in your research, you can cite it with using the following bibtex references:

   author = {Laurent Capocchi},
   title = {DEVSimPy},
   year = {2019},
   publisher = {GitHub},
   journal = {GitHub repository},
   howpublished = {\url{}},

author={L. {Capocchi} and J. F. {Santucci} and B. {Poggi} and C. {Nicolai}},
booktitle={2011 IEEE 20th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises},
title={DEVSimPy: A Collaborative Python Software for Modeling and Simulation of DEVS Systems},
keywords={discrete event simulation;large-scale systems;modelling;simulation;collaborative python software;DEVS systems;complex systems;collaborative M&S software;hydraulic network management;modeling and simulation;Object oriented modeling;Mathematical model;Libraries;Computational modeling;Collaboration;Data models;Predictive models;Modeling;Simulation;Collaborative software;Discrete event systems;Hydraulic systems;Software libraries},


You can watch some DEVSimPy features videos on


Python-based GUI for DEVS-based discrete event system simulation







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