- 仅供个人参考学习
- 注意这里我并未处理当数字大于2048的相关逻辑,如果有需要可以自行添加
- 关于这个小游戏,本来是我HMCW仓库里面的一个小游戏,我特地单独拿出来分享。
- 这个游戏虽然很早就有人开发出来了,但还是现在还是觉得挺上头的,休闲时刻玩玩还有点意思。
- 虽然我开发了有一段时间了,我现在最高记录还只是拥有一个1024方块和一个512方块,难受.😢😢😢
- 球球: 请通过 2636427505 联系我。
- 球球email: 请发送邮件至 [email protected] 联系我。
- B站: 是Kapa呀
- ......
This is a small game in my HMCW repository.
- For personal reference and study only
- Note that I haven't handled the logic for when the number exceeds 2048 here; you can add it yourself if needed.
- Regarding this small game, it was originally one of the games in my HMCW repository, and I specifically took it out to share separately.
- Although this game was developed quite some time ago, it's still pretty addictive and offers some fun during downtime.
- Although I've been developing it for a while, my highest record is still just having one 1024 block and one 512 block, which is frustrating.😢😢😢
- QQ: Please contact me at 2636427505.
- QQ email: Please send an email to [email protected] to contact me.
- Bilibili: 是Kapa呀
- ......