- RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Ironhack/events/192618722/
- When: Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
- Location: MiamiShared - 990 Biscayne Blvd #501 Miami, FL 33132.
- Details: https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js
- Instructors: Caridy Patiño (@caridy), Nick Comer (@nkcmr) and Rey Guerra (@reiniergs)
This Workshop will be an introduction to nodejs as a network system for web applications. We will cover the basics of how to serve http(s) traffic and how to approach the creation of web applications by using expressjs. The main exercise will be the creation of a web application to display nearby photos from Flickr API.
This workshop will not teach you how to write javascript code, we assume you already know how to do that for the browser (if not, please check http://mzl.la/1nNiLCB). This is a hands-on workshop but with a lot of information to digest, make sure you arrive fresh and full of energy :)
If you plan to arrive after 6:00 PM, make sure to complete the installation and provisioning sections before you arrive.
- Intro (15 min): basic knowledge about nodejs as a network system for web applications
- Basic setup (30 min): installation, configuration, basic examples
- Main exercise (2 hours): create a web application to display nearby photos from Flickr API
- Basic deployment (30 min): deploy a web application to heroku
- [email protected] (latest stable version recommended), you can check your current version by doing
node -v
in your terminal. - To install nodejs, go to http://nodejs.org/, download node.js installer and follow instructions. Mac OS, Windows, and Linux are supported.
- Atom from Github (free): https://atom.io/
- Brackets from Adobe (free): http://brackets.io/
- Sublime: http://www.sublimetext.com/
note: all 3 editors support ESLint/JSHint plugins, make sure you have one of those installed.
- windows & osx: http://git-scm.com/downloads
- linux: use apt-get, yum, etc.
- Install the heroku toolbelt: https://toolbelt.heroku.com/
- If you don't have a github.com account, make sure you create one https://github.com/join, it is free.
- If you don't have a heroku.com account, make sure you create one https://id.heroku.com/signup/www-header, it is free.
Follow the instructions on each page:
- https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js/tree/master/exercise-1-REPL
- https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js/tree/master/exercise-2-programs
- https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js/tree/master/exercise-3-server
- https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js/tree/master/exercise-4-express
- https://github.com/theironhack/miami-node-js/tree/master/exercise-5-heroku
Feedback and criticism is welcome, please log your troubles in issues.
Feel free to hit me directly at @caridy