This is a collection of my solutions to common problems found in Leetcode
and Codewars
A solution might have more than one implementation
Practice regularly coding challenges
Implement and study commonly used algorithms
Website | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
Leetcode | 1108. Defanging an IP Address | substringReplacing | Easy |
Leetcode | 151. Reverse Words in a String | reverseWordByWord | Medium |
Leetcode | 771. Jewels and Stones | jewelsAndStones | Easy |
Leetcode | 9. Palindrome Number | isPalindrome | Easy |
Leetcode | 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | bestTimeToBuy | Easy |
Codewars | Build Tower | buildTower | 6kyu |
Codewars | The deaf rats of Hamelin | deafRatsOfHamelin | 6kyu |
Codewars | Increment a string | incrementString | 5kyu |
Codewars | is Divisible? | isDivisible | 7kyu |
Codewars | Jaiden Casing Strings | jadenCasing | 7kyu |
Codewars | Testing 1-2-3 | testing123 | 7kyu |
Codewars | Weird String Casing | weirdStringCase | 6kyu |
Leetcode | Single Number | singleNumber | Easy |
Codewars | Domain Name | extractDomain | 5kyu |
Codewars | iqTest | iqTest | 6kyu |
Codewars | upArray | pluOneArray | 6kyu |
Codewars | calculatingWithFunctions | calcWithFunc | 5kyu |