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Node JS Runner

Use this task on AzureDevOps in a build or release pipeline to run a NodeJS script.


Argument Description Required Condition
Script Source Target script type: FilePath or Inline Yes No
Script path Path of the file to execute Yes Script Source == FilePath
Inline Script Source code to execute, task create a temp file to execute Yes Script Source == Inline
Arguments Arguments passed to the script execution, more information see How to Parse NodeJS Arguments No No
Working directory The path where the script file runs, if empty the default path is $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory), see Predefined Variables No No


The task assumes the nodejs is available on the PATH, use the task Node.js Tool Installer task to install a specific version of node before execution.

Inline Execution

For inline execution the task create a temp folder with the prefix taskrunner followed by a random code and put the script inside a randomly generated file using writeFileSync Method. The file name is identified by a uuid.

Temp directory is stored in $(Agent.TempDirectory) path.

Latest Versions

v0.4.2 Change the working directory of the script by placing the path in the task field.

v0.3.2 Pass arguments to the script using the Arguments task field.


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