Written by : Bakti Siregar, S.Si, M.Sc Department of Business statistics, Matana University (Tangerang)
The application can be viewed in this link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Z-VVYnQck
The project was to create an interactive dashboard which displayed a dataset based upon telephony information (Software company's service center). This would allow insight into demand, customer insight, satisfaction and performance management information. The dataset was taken from the Storytelling for Analytics course as part of the Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science. The application:
- Allows the user to view management information
- Filter by service center (A, B, C or D)
- Interact with metrics such as customer location, reported issues, and time series
- View geographic information (customer issue locations) on a map
- Download and view the raw dataset (open data)
In your role as an analytics professional (Data Scientist) for a software company, you are working with the new Customer Support Director on a review of the advertising business. In the previous assignment you familiarized yourself with the analytics context and data set itself. Now, it is time to begin your search for insights and build some artifacts.
Your task is to:
Search for insights asked for by your stakeholder, Shelly, and craft visual artifacts to use for the next module. In order to find them, it may take some time exploring the data and working carefully through each requested insight.
- Current trends in customer satisfaction
- Customer issue breakdown
- Customer issue volume by location
- Biggest pain points
- Recommendation for Customer Services Dashboard (CSD) targets
- Craft and Save your visual artifacts
- HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap4
- JavaScript and jQuery
- c3.js, intro.js
- R, Shiny and Shiny Dashboard
- Plotly
- dplyr and ggplot2
- MS Excel
- RStudio
- app.R
- raw-data
- Creating a user-friendly UX using intro.js
- Presenting information using R and Shiny
- Incorporating custom JavaScript into a Shiny application
- Linking a custom css file using www/custom.css
- Server to client interaction
- Manipulating data to produce final metrics
- Developing a data pipeline capable of real time analytics
- Creating dynamic widgets that react to user input
- Applying bootstrap principles to a shiny app (grid attributes, fluidRow)
- Wrangling data using dplyr (select, filter, arrange, summarise) to populate graphs accurately
- Future proofing the application to adapt to data source updates (real-time)
- Rendering interactive charts effectively
- Need to look into deployment options as free options required more memory