Noninterference by normalization (by evaluation)
This repository contains the Agda mechanization of the proofs in the paper titled Simple Proof of Noninterference by Normalization [PLAS'19].
[PLAS'19] Carlos Tomé Cortiñas and Nachiappan Valliappan, PLAS'19: Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSAC Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security,
Information-flow control (IFC) languages ensure programs preserve the confidentiality of sensitive data. Noninterference, the desired security property of such languages, states that public outputs of programs must not depend on sensitive inputs. We show that noninterference can be proved using normalization. Unlike arbitrary terms, normal forms of programs are well-principled and obey useful syntactic properties—hence enabling a simpler proof of noninterference. Since our proof is syntax-directed, it offers an appealing alternative to traditional semantic based techniques to prove noninterference.
In particular, we prove noninterference for a static IFC calculus (based on the pure fragment of Haskell’s seclib library) using a normalization technique called Normalization by Evaluation (NbE).
The code type checks using Agda version 2.6.1 and agda standard library version 1.3