A data package for reporting on Northeast Continental Shelf ecosystem status and trends.
Cold range edges of marine fishes track climate change better than warm edges
Please cite usage of this package as: Burnham, T.L.U., Stoll, J.S., and Kilchenmann, J. (2023). gomfish: Gulf of Maine Fisheries and Socioeconomic Data. R package version 0.2.0, 2024. https://githu…
Jupyter notebook-based tutorials to learn how to access and work with select NSIDC DAAC data.
State of the Ecosystem report (New England Fishery Management Council)
Code and data for Henderson ME, Mills KE, Thomas AC, Pershing AJ, Nye JA (2017) Effects of spring onset and summer duration on fish species distribution and biomass along the Northeast United State…
Realized thermal niche tracking at range limits of North American marine species
Posit Cheat Sheets - Can also be found at
Spatio-temporal analysis of univariate or multivariate data, e.g., standardizing data for multiple species or stages
Color palette package inspired by National Parks
Materials and data sets for introductory workshop on tidyverse syntax
adamkemberling / gmRi
Forked from gulfofmaine/gmRiUtility functions for the Gulf of Maine Research Institutes Research Team
Repository for discussions around research team best practices following the Openscapes Champions Program
Utility functions for the Gulf of Maine Research Institutes Research Team