is an attempt at building a useful IDE for a static language with a
smart compiler.
Within the caleidoscope of inference, blood and silicone become friends.
The fish nibble on clammy fingers, and the machine sings me a lullaby:
a dream within a dream of knowledge only it possesses.
This is extremely early stage, but you’ll need OSSubprocess
support in Pharo.
To get it, run:
Metacello new
baseline: 'OSSubprocess';
repository: 'github://pharo-contributions/OSSubprocess:master/repository';
in a playground.
You can read the devlog where I document my progress. Mostly you can see me fail, which is quite fun. The log as of now is a story of me trying to get started in one of the last weeks of 2019, getting sick, and not getting very far at all. I intend to carve out some more time soon.
Have fun!