The Universe of Data. All about data, data science, and data engineering
Building a full-fledged code editor for iPad
「内田公太、上川大介,自作エミュレータで学ぶx86アーキテクチャ コンピュータが動く仕組みを徹底理解!,株式会社マイナビ」を読んでx86エミュレータを実装する
Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
패스트 캠퍼스(Fast Campus) 알고리즘 강의용 저장소입니다.
FreeRTOS kernel files only, submoduled into and various other repos.
'Classic' FreeRTOS distribution. Started as Git clone of FreeRTOS SourceForge SVN repo. Submodules the kernel.
The embedded HTTP server and client module for µC/TCP-IP.
A compact, reliable, high-performance, and thread-safe embedded file system for microprocessors, microcontrollers, and DSPs. An optional journaling component provides fail-safe operation while main…
A compact, reliable, high-performance TCP/IP protocol stack. Features dual IPv4 and IPv6 support, an SSL/TLS socket option, and support for Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and PHY controllers.
µC/OS-II is a preemptive, highly portable, and scalable real-time kernels. Designed for ease of use on a huge number of CPU architectures.
SkyOS32 is a 32-bit operating system under development in C ++ in a Visual Studio environment.
Simple PyTorch Tutorials Zero to ALL!
TensorFlow Basic Tutorial Labs
Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Embedded Systems
파이썬을 활용한 데이터 분석과 이미지 처리 - 강의 자료 및 소스코드 Repository입니다.
[한빛미디어] "이것이 취업을 위한 코딩 테스트다 with 파이썬" 전체 소스코드 저장소입니다.
How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++
The Linux PowerTOP tool -- please post patches to the mailing list instead of using github pull requests
Reference code to create a control agent using Wi-Fi Test Suite’s Control API on a device with Windows OS
Unified CAPI Console (UCC) provides the overall control console for Wi-Fi Test Suite
Reference code to create a control agent using Wi-Fi Test Suite’s Control API on a device with Linux OS