This code and tutorial presented engine state in 2015. As of 2023, it's no longer useful -- things presented here still work but they no longer show the recommended approach and they touch some deprecated API points. If you want to have an up-to-date introduction to the engine, see our documentation on and article "Bad Chess", .
Examples for a tutorial about the Castle Game Engine presented at Web3D 2015 conference workshop.
The accompanying slides are available on . You should be able to follow the tutorial yourself! We show, from the ground up, how to create a simple 3D FPS game and 2D game.
At the conference I also presented
- Brief summary of engine capabilities
- horizontal poster and vertical poster of engine possibilities.
To download Castle Game Engine, and for more documentation and tutorials, go to .
This tutorial was first presented on June 19 at Web3D 2015 conference, see .