This project is WIP
See AA-DR Portal README for setup instructions
API route definitions. This is where routes will be validated
Wrappers for MongoDB and Cognito DB calls.
Perform the actual tasks done by Controllers. Managers assume that all route data has already been validated.
Wrappers for core features, like Docusign API, Google Docs API, Quickbooks, etc.
Global server environment and configuration settings
Miscellaneous small python modules
FastAPI auto-generates API docs. To see the apidocs, view http://localhost:3001/docs
Mypy is a static type checker for python. This is added to minimize bugs with dynamic typing and to improve readability.
Flake8 is a linter for python. It follows the PEP style guide for python.
To run both mypy and flake8, you can run these commands by entering into the container. This can be done like so:
docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=aa-dr-backend") /bin/sh
make check
MR's will not be accepted unless mypy and flake8 pass