Deep Model Intrusion Detection (IDS) Evaluation of NSL KDD and CIC IDS 2018 datasets.
Intrusion Detection System - IDS example using Dense, Conv1d and Lstm layers in Keras / TensorFlow
基于 PyQt6 开发的 B 站评论爬虫桌面应用,支持评论批量采集、智能管理和数据分析,采用现代化暗色界面设计,提供流畅的用户体验。
Host log detection based on deep learning 基于LSTM神经网络模型的日志异常检测
This project implements a Graph Neural Network (GNN) based recommender system for restaurants. By leveraging graph-based machine learning, our system provides personalized restaurant recommendation…
使用Python编写的基于socket UDP通信的多功能即时聊天室,包含Tkinter编写的图形化聊天界面,功能包括有账号注册和登录,登录成功后可以查看在线用户,并和聊天室内的其他在线用户聊天,包含私聊和群发,能发送文字、表情包,以及文件等
基于YOLOV11的锻炼监测demo(Exercise Monitoring Demo Based on YOLOV11)
一个基于django、nodejs、vue的websocket实时点对点通讯项目,关键词 QQ、微信、实时聊天、django、vue、nodejs、websocket。
A real-time chat application where users can create profiles, workspaces and multiple channels within workspaces, join workspaces, share images etc, build using Flask, socket-io, HTML, CSS, JavaScr…
基于 Scrapy 的新闻智能分类微信小程序,是一个文本分类相关的应用,目的是打造出一个可以对新闻进行智能分类的微信小程序。技术栈:Python + Scrapy + MongoDB + scikit-learn + Flask + 微信小程序,涉及爬虫、文本分类、Web 开发和微信小程序。
Developed a Real-time Intrusion Detection System for Windows that leverages Machine Learning techniques to identify and prevent network intrusions. The system uses a Supervised learning model, Rand…
Real-time Intrusion Detection System implementing Machine Learning. We combine Supervised Learning (RF) for detecting known attacks from CICIDS 2018 & SCVIC-APT datasets, and Unsupervised Learning …