Multiple cursors in Neovim which work how you expect.
- Visual and select modes with char/line/block selections
- Normal, insert, replace modes
- Undo/redo
- Virtualedit
- Autocompletion
- Snippet expansion (use
) - Cursor specific registers for searching and yanking
- Match & split cursor selections with regex
- Transpose cursor selections
- Align cursor columns
- Easily extended with the Cursor API
- Works with most plugins and remaps
branch = "1.0",
config = function()
local mc = require("multicursor-nvim")
local set = vim.keymap.set
-- Add or skip cursor above/below the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<up>",
function() mc.lineAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<down>",
function() mc.lineAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><up>",
function() mc.lineSkipCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><down>",
function() mc.lineSkipCursor(1) end)
-- Add or skip adding a new cursor by matching word/selection
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>n",
function() mc.matchAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>s",
function() mc.matchSkipCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>N",
function() mc.matchAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>S",
function() mc.matchSkipCursor(-1) end)
-- Add all matches in the document
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>A", mc.matchAllAddCursors)
-- You can also add cursors with any motion you prefer:
-- set("n", "<right>", function()
-- mc.addCursor("w")
-- end)
-- set("n", "<leader><right>", function()
-- mc.skipCursor("w")
-- end)
-- Rotate the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<left>", mc.nextCursor)
set({"n", "v"}, "<right>", mc.prevCursor)
-- Delete the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>x", mc.deleteCursor)
-- Add and remove cursors with control + left click.
set("n", "<c-leftmouse>", mc.handleMouse)
-- Easy way to add and remove cursors using the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<c-q>", mc.toggleCursor)
-- Clone every cursor and disable the originals.
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><c-q>", mc.duplicateCursors)
set("n", "<esc>", function()
if not mc.cursorsEnabled() then
elseif mc.hasCursors() then
-- Default <esc> handler.
-- bring back cursors if you accidentally clear them
set("n", "<leader>gv", mc.restoreCursors)
-- Align cursor columns.
set("n", "<leader>a", mc.alignCursors)
-- Split visual selections by regex.
set("v", "S", mc.splitCursors)
-- Append/insert for each line of visual selections.
set("v", "I", mc.insertVisual)
set("v", "A", mc.appendVisual)
-- match new cursors within visual selections by regex.
set("v", "M", mc.matchCursors)
-- Rotate visual selection contents.
set("v", "<leader>t",
function() mc.transposeCursors(1) end)
set("v", "<leader>T",
function() mc.transposeCursors(-1) end)
-- Jumplist support
set({"v", "n"}, "<c-i>", mc.jumpForward)
set({"v", "n"}, "<c-o>", mc.jumpBackward)
-- Customize how cursors look.
local hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl
hl(0, "MultiCursorCursor", { link = "Cursor" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledCursor", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
This section explains the basic usage of multicursor.nvim with the default config.
- You can add cursors above/below the current cursor with
. - You can skip a line with
. - You can match the word/selection under the cursor forwards or backwards with
. - You can skip a match forwards or backwards using
. - You can add and remove cursors using the mouse with
- You can rotate through cursors with
. - You can delete the current cursor using
- You can disable cursors with
, which means only the main cursor moves. - You can also press
to duplicate cursors, disabling the originals. - When cursors are disabled, you can press
to add a cursor under the main cursor. - You can press
to enable cursors again.
- Once you have your cursors, you use vim normally as you would with a single cursor.
- You can press
to align cursor columns. - You can press
to split a visual selection by regex into multiple selections. - You can press
to run a regex within your visual selection, creating a new cursor for each match. - You can press
to transpose visual selections, which means the text within each visual selection will be rotated between cursors.
- When you want to collapse your cursors back into one, press
name | arguments | return | desc |
addCursor | string | void | Add a cursor and move only the main cursor using motion. |
skipCursor | string | void | Move only the main cursor using motion. |
lineAddCursor | -1 | 1 | void | Add a cursor above or below the the main cursor, skipping empty lines. |
lineSkipCursor | -1 | 1 | void | Move only the main cursor up or down a line, skipping empty lines. |
matchAddCursor | -1 | 1 | void | Add a new cursor by matching the current word/selection. |
matchSkipCursor | -1 | 1 | void | Move only the main cursor by matching the current word/selection. |
matchAllAddCursors | void | Add a cursor for every match of the word/selection under the cursor. | |
nextCursor | void | Select the cursor after the main cursor. | |
prevCursor | void | Select the cursor before the main cursor. | |
firstCursor | void | Select the first cursor. | |
lastCursor | void | Select the last cursor. | |
hasCursors | boolean | Returns whether multiple cursors exist. | |
deleteCursor | void | Delete the main cursor. | |
clearCursors | void | Clear all cursors except main cursor. | |
handleMouse | void | Use in a mouse mapping to handle mouse input. | |
alignCursors | void | Align columns of cursors on multiple lines. | |
splitCursors | void | Split visual selections with a regex separator. For example, visually selecting "a,b,c,d" and splitting with "," will create four cursors, one on each letter. | |
matchCursors | void | Match a pattern over a visual selection, creating a new cursor for each match. For example, visually selecting "foo bar foo" and matching with "foo" will create two cursors, one on each "foo". | |
transposeCursors | -1 | 1 | void | Rotate the contents of each visual selection for each cursor. Call with 1 for clockwise rotation and -1 for anti-clockwise. |
insertVisual | void | Create a cursor for each line of the visual selection, and enter insert mode with I . |
appendVisual | void | Create a cursor for each line of the visual selection, and enter insert mode with A . |
disableCursors | void | Locks the cursors from moving. This is useful for repositioning main cursor for adding more cursors. | |
enableCursors | void | Unlocks the cursors from moving. | |
cursorsEnabled | boolean | Returns whether the cursors are locked from moving. | |
feedkeys | string, table? | void | Use instead of vim.fn.feedkeys() or vim.api.nvim_feedkeys() in multicursor mappings to avoid bugs. Opts are { remap?: boolean, keycodes?: boolean } . |
action | function | void | Perform a complex action using the Cursor API. See below for details. |
All of the provided features are implemented using the Cursor API, which is accessible for writing your own complex multi-cursor logic.
You can use the Cursor API by calling mc.action
with a callback, like so:
local cursors = ctx:getCursors()
The ctx
is a CursorContext
which lets you query for cursors.
In the snippet, we simply called getCursors()
to get a list of all our cursors.
In the next snippet, we will instead call firstCursor()
to get only the
highest cursor in the document. Once we have our cursor, we can interact with it.
local cursor = ctx:firstCursor()
cursor:feedkeys("ihello world")
And that's it. You can view lua/multicursor-nvim/examples.lua
see all the default features implemented using the Cursor API.
Or, you can read the prototypes below.
--- @alias CursorQuery {disabledCursors?: boolean, enabledCursors?: boolean}
--- 1-indexed line, 1-indexed col, offset
--- @alias Pos [integer, integer, integer]
--- 1-indexed line, 1-indexed col
--- @alias SimplePos [integer, integer]
--- Returns this cursors current line number, 1 indexed.
--- @return integer
function Cursor:line()
--- Returns this cursors current column number, 1 indexed.
--- @return integer
function Cursor:col()
--- Returns the full line text of where this cursor is located.
--- @return string
function Cursor:getLine()
--- Deletes this cursor.
--- If this is the main cursor then the closest cursor to it.
--- is set as the new main cursor.
--- If this is the last remaining cursor, a new cursor is created
--- at its position.
function Cursor:delete()
--- Returns the disabled cursor underneath this one, if it exists
--- @return Cursor | nil
function Cursor:overlappedCursor()
--- Sets this cursor as the main cursor.
--- @return self
function Cursor:select()
--- Returns whether this cursor is the main cursor.
--- @return boolean
function Cursor:isMainCursor()
--- A cursor can either be at the start or end of a visual selection.
--- For example, if you select lines 10-20, your cursor can either be
--- on line 10 (start) or 20 (end). this method returns true when at
--- the start.
--- @return boolean
function Cursor:atVisualStart()
--- For each line of the cursor's visual selection, a new cursor is
--- created, visually selecting only the single line.
--- This method deletes the original cursor.
--- @return Cursor[]
function Cursor:splitVisualLines()
--- @return Pos
function Cursor:getPos()
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @return self
function Cursor:setPos(pos)
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @return self
function Cursor:setVisualAnchor(pos)
--- @return Pos
function Cursor:getVisualAnchor()
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
function Cursor:setRedoChangePos(pos)
--- Returns a new cursor with the same position, registers,
--- visual selection, and mode as this cursor.
--- @return Cursor
function Cursor:clone()
--- Returns only the text contained in each line of the visual selection.
--- @return string[]
function Cursor:getVisualLines()
--- Returns the full line for each line of the visual selection.
--- @return string[]
function Cursor:getFullVisualLines()
--- Returns start and end positions of visual selection start position
--- is before or equal to end position.
--- @return Pos, Pos
function Cursor:getVisual()
--- Returns this cursor's current mode.
--- It should only ever be in normal, visual, or select modes.
--- @return string: "n" | "v" | "V" | <c-v> | "s" | "S" | <c-s>
function Cursor:mode()
--- Sets this cursor's mode.
--- It should only ever be in normal, visual, or select modes.
--- @param mode string: "n" | "v" | "V" | <c-v> | "s" | "S" | <c-s>
--- @return self
function Cursor:setMode(mode)
function Cursor:disable()
function Cursor:enable()
--- Makes the cursor perform a command/commands.
--- For example, cursor:feedkeys('dw') will delete a word.
--- By default, keys are not remapped and keycodes are not parsed.
--- @param keys string
--- @param opts? { remap?: boolean, keycodes?: boolean }
function Cursor:feedkeys(keys, opts)
--- Call callback with cursor
--- @param callback fun(cursor: Cursor)
function Cursor:perform(callback)
--- Return the <cword> for this cursor
--- @return string
function Cursor:getCursorWord(callback)
--- Set the search register of this cursor
--- @param search string
function Cursor:setSearch(search)
--- Sets the visual selection and sets the cursor position to `visualEnd`.
--- @param visualStart SimplePos | Pos
--- @param visualEnd SimplePos | Pos
--- @return self
function Cursor:setVisual(visualStart, visualEnd)
--- Returns true if cursor is in visual mode
--- @return boolean
function Cursor:inVisualMode()
--- Returns true if cursor is in select mode
--- @return boolean
function Cursor:inSelectMode()
--- Returns true if cursor is in visual or select mode
--- @return boolean
function Cursor:hasSelection()
--- Enables or disables all cursors
--- @param value boolean
function CursorContext:setCursorsEnabled(value)
--- Returns a list of cursors, sorted by their position.
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor[]
function CursorContext:getCursors(opts)
--- Clones and returns the main cursor
--- @return Cursor
function CursorContext:addCursor()
--- Util which executes callback for each cursor, sorted by their position.
--- @param callback fun(cursor: Cursor, i: integer, t: Cursor[])
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
function CursorContext:forEachCursor(callback, opts)
--- Util method which maps each cursor to a value.
--- @generic T
--- @param callback fun(cursor: Cursor, i: integer, t: Cursor[]): T
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return T[]
function CursorContext:mapCursors(callback, opts)
--- Util method which returns the last cursor matching the predicate.
--- @param predicate fun(cursor: Cursor, i: integer, t: Cursor[]): any
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:findLastCursor(predicate, opts)
--- Util method which returns the first cursor matching the predicate.
--- @param predicate fun(cursor: Cursor, i: integer, t: Cursor[]): any
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:findCursor(predicate, opts)
--- Returns the closest cursor which appears AFTER pos.
--- A cursor exactly at pos will not be returned.
--- It does not wrap, so if none are found, then nil is returned.
--- If you wish to wrap, use `ctx:nextCursor(...) or ctx:firstCursor(...)`.
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:nextCursor(pos, opts)
--- Returns the closest cursor which appears BEFORE pos.
--- A cursor exactly at pos will not be returned.
--- It does not wrap, so if none are found, then nil is returned.
--- If you wish to wrap, use `ctx:prevCursor(...) or ctx:lastCursor(...)`.
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:prevCursor(pos, opts)
--- Returns the nearest cursor to pos, and accepts a cursor exactly at pos.
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:nearestCursor(pos, opts)
--- @param pos SimplePos | Pos
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:getCursorAtPos(pos, opts)
--- Returns the cursor under the main cursor
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:overlappedCursor()
--- Returns the main cursor.
--- @return Cursor
function CursorContext:mainCursor()
--- Returns the cursor closest to the start of the document.
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:firstCursor(opts)
--- Returns the cursor closest to the end of the document.
--- @param opts? CursorQuery
--- @return Cursor | nil
function CursorContext:lastCursor(opts)
--- Returns whether all cursors are enabled
--- @return boolean
function CursorContext:cursorsEnabled()
function CursorContext:hasCursors()
function CursorContext:clear()