High-performance Fortran program to calculate polarizability and inverse dielectric response function.
A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
⛔️ DEPRECATED – See instead.
A modern GUI client based on Tauri, designed to run in Windows, macOS and Linux for tailored proxy experience
latex code from my first year of engineering.
A VASP and Wannier90 interfaced tool for projection analysis and fully automated dis energy window optimization
Programs for "Numerical Methods for Physics" by Alejandro Garcia
louis161789 / NM4P
Forked from AlejGarcia/NM4PPrograms for "Numerical Methods for Physics" by Alejandro Garcia
Calculating electron-phonon couplings with DFTB.
Fortran 2018 standard examples with broad applications
Python tools for calculating the spectral heat current distribution from LAMMPS NEMD simulations
A repository for my completed courses that don't stand alone as a github repo
Wavelike and Particlelike Phonon Transport (WPPT) Solver
The Temperature Dependent Effective Potentials (TDEP) code
LAMMPS plugins for thermal conductivity and density of states calculation
用Python实现了《数学建模算法与应用》第二版中的部分示例代码. (原书中使用的是Matlab)
A open-source program for computing the first-order resonance Raman spectroscopy based on Quantum ESPRESSO
Advanced tool for Wannier interpolation and integration of k-space integrals
Master the command line, in one page
A high-performance framework for solving phonon and electron Boltzmann equations
Materials graph network with 3-body interactions featuring a DFT surrogate crystal relaxer and a state-of-the-art property predictor.