- Pro
auditforge Public
AuditForge is a pentest reporting application making it simple and easy to write your findings and generate a customizable report.
houndsniff Public
Forked from MichaelDim02/houndsniffHash identification program.
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 4, 2024 -
malla-interactiva Public
Forked from BooterMan98/malla-interactivaProyecto Universitario open-source en donde se mantiene una plataforma web que facilita información sobre las mallas en la Universidad.
PEASS-ng Public
Forked from peass-ng/PEASS-ngPEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
C# Other UpdatedJul 5, 2023 -
Scientific-Computing Public
Forked from tclaudioe/Scientific-ComputingLots of fun stuffs about Scientific Computing
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 20, 2023 -
hacking-notes Public
Variadas notas que voy anotando sobre recursos relacionados al hacking y ciberseguridad
3 UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
react-sortable-tree-theme-full-node-drag Public
Forked from frontend-collective/react-sortable-tree-theme-full-node-dragFull node drag theme for react-sortable-tree
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2022 -
kernel Public
Forked from ilobilo/kernelMy first os built from scratch
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2022 -
the-book-of-secret-knowledge Public
Forked from trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledgeA collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
PensulCIC Public
Forked from Zelechos/PensulCICUna web del Pensul de mi carrera Ing. en Ciencias de la Computación , materias aprobadas , por aprobar
ak-cli Public
Forked from arshadkazmi42/ak-cli🔖 Collection of useful cli commands
ezdemo Public
Forked from HewlettPackard/ezdemoHPE Ezmeral Deployment tool for demos
dwm-camilo Public
Gestor de ventanas personalizado de mosaico
kolibri-db-parser Public
Procesador de base de datos en instalación de Kolibri
scan Public
Script hecho en bash para automatizar un poco el escaneo de máquinas