This repository contains lab assignments for the course "Introduction to Information Technology". Each lab focuses on a different aspect of IT, providing practical experience and understanding of key concepts.
The first lab focuses on setting up a Python development environment. This includes installing Python, setting up a code editor, and running a simple Python script.
The second lab introduces FastAPI, a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. In this lab, we explore the basics of creating a FastAPI application.
The third lab involves creating a portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This lab provides hands-on experience with web development basics and allows for personal creativity in designing a personal portfolio.
The fourth lab involves creating a Todo application using React and styled-components. This lab provides hands-on experience with React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and styled-components, a CSS-in-JS library that allows for styling React components. In this lab, we explore the basics of creating a React application, managing state with hooks, and styling components with styled-components. The Todo application provides a user-friendly interface for managing and organizing tasks.