Arlo platform plugin for Homebridge.
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-arlo
- Update your configuration file. See the sample below.
npm update -g homebridge-arlo
Arlo only allows a single login to each account at a time, as a result, if you are running Homebridge and the Arlo on the same account... logging in on your iPhone to view cameras will log out homebridge's Arlo access.
Therefore, I highly recommend creating an additional account in Arlo, just for homebridge access.
This plugin currently only support Base Stations, not cameras. This is mainly because I haven't gotten video streaming to work yet.
"platforms": [
"platform": "Arlo",
"name": "Arlo",
"email": "<insert arlo account email address>",
"password": "<insert arlo account password>"
"interval": 6000
NOTE: interval time is in milliseconds - e.g. 6000 ms are 10 sec
By default, Arlo only provides two modes (armed and disarmed). Since HomeKit allows a security system to have 4 states (away, home, night and off), we provide two config parameters to enable support for the additional 2 states. If these configuration parameters aren't provided setting the state to home or night will result in the state being set to away, i.e. armed.
Arlo uses the string modeX
to identify each mode, with mode0
used for the
default disarmed state and mode1
used for the default armed state.
To determine the correct modeX
string for your custom state, login to the
Arlo web console and click the "Edit Mode" button.
The URL will show the modeX
string for that custom state, e.g.<USER_ID>
Once you've determined the modeX
string of your custom mode(s), you can
configure homebridge-arlo
to use those for the additional modes available
via HomeKit:
- ThemodeX
label for the custom mode created in Arlo for the home or stay state.night_arm
- ThemodeX
label for the custom mode created in Arlo for the night state.
Live video streaming functionality requires transcoding of the video and audio streams provided by Arlo into a format acceptable to HomeKit. By default, this transcoding is assumed to be performed by a local installation of FFmpeg with the libx264
video codec and libfdk_aac
audio codec. Alternate configuration options are provided to help optimize the transcoding performance.
: The video processor used to perform transcoding. Defaults toffmpeg
. An alternate executable maybe used, however it needs to conform to ffmpeg parameters.videoDecoder
: The video codec used to decode the incoming h264 stream from the Arlo server. Defaults to no value, meaning the default h.264 software decoder (libx264
) will typically be used.videoEncoder
: The video codec used to encode the outgoing h264 stream to the iOS client device. Defaults tolibx264
: The audio codec that will be used to decode/encode the audio stream. HomeKit requires either an Opus or AAC-ELD format audio stream. Defaults to thelibopus
codec, and currently Homebridge-Arlo tells HomeKit it only supports the Opus audio type.packetsize
: The packet sized to be used. Defaults to 1316. Use smaller multiples of 188 to possibly improve performance (376, 564, etc)maxBitrate
: The maximum bitrate of the encoded stream in kbit/s, the default is 300.additionalVideoCommands
: Any video-specific additional flags or commands to pass to the ffmpeg executable.additionalAudioCommands
: Any audio-specific additional flags or commands to pass to the ffmpeg executable.
The Raspberry Pi 3 has both hardware decoder and encoder functionality, which can help with transcoding performance. However you will need to compile FFmpeg yourself to enable the hardware capability.
Even if you unconcerned with hardware transcoding, you will likely need to compile FFmpeg with either the Opus
or libfdk_aac
encoders enabled in order to output the required Opus or AAC-ELD audio format.
The below defines suggested compliation steps for FFmpeg on Raspberry Pi 3 that takes advantage of both the hardware encoder (omx) and decoder (mmal), and uses libopus-dev
and/or libfdk_aac
to enable transcoding of the audio.
Note: This assumes you're using Raspbian Stretch.
# Go to home folder
cd ~
# Install build tools
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config autoconf automake libtool checkinstall git
# Install various dependencies
sudo apt install libssl-dev libx264-dev libopus-dev libomxil-bellagio-dev
# Clone libfdk-aac-dev
git clone
cd fdk-aac
# Configure and build libfdk-aac-dev
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-shared --enable-static
# Uses -j4 flag to use multiple cores during compilation
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
# OPTIONAL: Remove any installed ffmpeg to avoid conflicts
sudo apt remove ffmpeg
# Clone ffmpeg
git clone
cd FFmpeg
# Configure ffmpeg
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --arch=armel --target-os=linux --enable-openssl \
--enable-omx --enable-omx-rpi --enable-nonfree --enable-gpl --enable-libfdk-aac \
--enable-libopus --enable-mmal --enable-libx264 --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-network \
--enable-protocol=tcp --enable-demuxer=rtsp
# Build ffmpeg
sudo make -j4
# Install ffmpeg, and use checkinstall to build a self-contained deb file that can be easily
# backed up for later use or reinstallation. Fill in all information requested by checkinstall.
sudo checkinstall
# Lock the custom ffmpeg package so it isn't replaced accidentally
echo "ffmpeg hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
Thanks to KhaosT for the base ffmpeg implementation and setup instructions in homebridge-camera-ffmpeg and the Maniacland Blog/locutusofborg780 for FFmpeg configuration instructions.
This sample configuration specifies that for streaming transcoding, ffmpeg should use the h264_mmal
and h264_omx
hardware decoders/encoders for the video stream.
"platforms": [
"platform": "Arlo",
"name": "Arlo",
"email": "<insert arlo account email address>",
"password": "<insert arlo account password>",
"stay_arm": "mode2",
"night_arm": "mode3"
"streaming": {
"videoDecoder": "h264_mmal",
"videoEncoder": "h264_omx",
"packetSize": 564