Rust语言周刊,每周五发布,精选过去一周的技术文章、业界新闻、开源项目和 Rust 语言动态
"Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-Person Pose Estimation" (ECCV 2020 Spotlight) & (COCO 2019 Human Keypoint Detection Challenge Winner) & (COCO 2019 Best Paper Award)
Lightweight and fast programming language designed to be written in Chinese.
Test your application on Kubernetes in a brand new simple way⚡ 轻量高效的微服务本地联调测试工具
Tigo is an HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang).It features a Tornado-like API with better performance. Tigo是一款用Go语言开发的web应用框架,API特性类似于Tornado并且拥有比Tornado更好的性能。
Android APP缺省页的正确打开方式 高度解耦、低侵入、易拓展 多状态视图状态切换器
iOS倒计时 验证码倒计时 秒杀倒计时 支持cell中的多个倒计时 支持自定义 样式多 支持时间差设置
a burpsuit extention that can send request to fuzz dicts by dirsearch
MeiliSearch Extension For Yii2 Framework
Transmit Windows Ink from your Surface to another device via LAN. 将Windows Ink从你的Surface传输到局域网内的另一个设备。
QuickRedis is a free forever Redis Desktop manager. It supports direct connection, sentinel, and cluster mode, supports multiple languages, supports hundreds of millions of keys, and has an amazing…
This is a pytorch repository of YOLOv4, attentive YOLOv4 and mobilenet YOLOv4 with PASCAL VOC and COCO
iOS14 UUID KeyChain DeviceInfo IDFA UDID AppTrackingTransparency ATT
为企业提供「免费」表单问卷能力,「开箱即用」快速赋能业务 A questionnaire system that can be privatized and deployed - 填鸭表单问卷系统(tduck-survey-form)
🔧 Electron based open source toolbox, free integration of rich plug-ins. 基于 electron 的开源工具箱,自由集成丰富插件。
我的心得笔记,文档已迁移至👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 。website:
✨ 🚀 EasyTCP is a light-weight TCP framework written in Go (Golang), built with message router. EasyTCP helps you build a TCP server easily fast and less painful.
aLive2D! 一个萌萌哒 Live2D API o(*≧▽≦)ツ 快来向web页面添加可爱的看板娘吧~
Android蓝牙开发。封装了支持Android蓝牙(经典蓝牙或低功耗蓝牙)扫描,连接,以及通信的库。附带使用例子。It encapsulates a library that supports Android Bluetooth (classic Bluetooth or low-power Bluetooth) scanning, connection and communication…
Recommendation Algorithm大规模推荐算法库,包含推荐系统经典及最新算法LR、Wide&Deep、DSSM、TDM、MIND、Word2Vec、Bert4Rec、DeepWalk、SSR、AITM,DSIN,SIGN,IPREC、GRU4Rec、Youtube_dnn、NCF、GNN、FM、FFM、DeepFM、DCN、DIN、DIEN、DLRM、MMOE、PLE、ESM…