Tags: ccb-hms/NHANES-metadata
Toggle v3.11.1's commit message
Update URL to NHANES-database repository
Toggle v3.11.0's commit message
Update metadata README with table changes
Toggle v3.10.0's commit message
Expanded blocklist
Added the human-verified oral health mappings to the blocklist to prevent confusion between human and computer mappings.
Toggle v3.9.1's commit message
Update labels table with onto mapping counts
Toggle v3.9.0's commit message
Update output ontology filepath
Toggle v3.8.2's commit message
Quote values of variables metadata df (closes #24 )
Drop the intermediate 'VariableID' column. Output boolean values for OntologyMapped column
Toggle v3.8.1's commit message
Toggle v3.8.0's commit message
Update ontology table with mapping counts
Add assembled metadata database
Toggle v3.7.0's commit message
Import the tables metadata to the DB
Toggle v3.6.0's commit message
Add metadata sqlite database build
which can be queried using nhanes_metadata_search.py
You can’t perform that action at this time.