a RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh , loadingmore and header featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView. you don't need to implement a special adapter . Screenshots
compile 'com.jcodecraeer:xrecyclerview:1.2.3'
just like a standard RecyclerView
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity());
##pull to refresh and load more the pull to refresh and load more featrue is enabled by default. we provide a callback to trigger the refresh and LoadMore event.
mRecyclerView.setLoadingListener(new XRecyclerView.LoadingListener() {
public void onRefresh() {
//refresh data here
public void onLoadMore() {
// load more data here
and of course you have to tell our RecyclerView when the refreshing or loading more work is done. you can use
to notify that the loading more work is done. and
to notify that the refreshing work is done.
here is what we get:
###custom refresh and loading more style pull refresh and loading more style is highly customizable.
the loading effect we use the AVLoadingIndicatorView . and it is built in(make a little change). we provide all the effect in AVLoadingIndicatorView library besides we add a system style. you can call
mRecyclerView.setRefreshProgressStyle(int style);
mRecyclerView.setLaodingMoreProgressStyle(int style);
to set the RefreshProgressStyle and LaodingMoreProgressStyle respectively.
for example
BallPulse effect
all the effect can be get in the ProgressStyle class
public class ProgressStyle {
public static final int SysProgress=-1;
public static final int BallPulse=0;
public static final int BallGridPulse=1;
public static final int BallClipRotate=2;
public static final int BallClipRotatePulse=3;
public static final int SquareSpin=4;
public static final int BallClipRotateMultiple=5;
public static final int BallPulseRise=6;
public static final int BallRotate=7;
public static final int CubeTransition=8;
public static final int BallZigZag=9;
public static final int BallZigZagDeflect=10;
public static final int BallTrianglePath=11;
public static final int BallScale=12;
public static final int LineScale=13;
public static final int LineScaleParty=14;
public static final int BallScaleMultiple=15;
public static final int BallPulseSync=16;
public static final int BallBeat=17;
public static final int LineScalePulseOut=18;
public static final int LineScalePulseOutRapid=19;
public static final int BallScaleRipple=20;
public static final int BallScaleRippleMultiple=21;
public static final int BallSpinFadeLoader=22;
public static final int LineSpinFadeLoader=23;
public static final int TriangleSkewSpin=24;
public static final int Pacman=25;
public static final int BallGridBeat=26;
public static final int SemiCircleSpin=27;
we provide a default arrow icon:
but if you don't like it,you can replace it with any other icon you want. just call
###disable refresh and load more featrue if you don't want the refresh and load more featrue(in that case,you probably dont'n need the lib neither),you can call
in which false means disabled ,true means enabled. ##Header you can add header to XRecyclerView,just call addHeaderView().
View header = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.recyclerview_header, (ViewGroup)findViewById(android.R.id.content),false);
if you like ,you can add two header
View header = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.recyclerview_header, (ViewGroup)findViewById(android.R.id.content),false);
View header1 = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.recyclerview_header1, (ViewGroup)findViewById(android.R.id.content),false);