Welcome to the CCDExplorer Universe.
There are 3 user-facing services:
There are 8 non user facing services that enable this:
- ccdexplorer-heartbeat
- ccdexplorer-recurring
- ccdexplorer-paydays
- ccdexplorer-accounts-retrieval
- ccdexplorer-nightrunner
- ccdexplorer-nightrunner
- ccdexplorer-recurring
- ccdexplorer-fundamentals
Please visit the repo for more information.
Please visit the repo for more information.
Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo is the heartbeat
of CCDExplorer Universe, filling the db with blocks, transactions and much more. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains methods that execute queries on a schedule, to shift workload form the user-facing services. Results are stored in separate collections in the db. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains code that runs on a daily basis to calculate the effects of paydays on delegators and validators. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains code that runs on a nightly basis, mainly preparing statistics. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains code that runs on a nightly basis to retrieve all accounts as of the last block of the day. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains the nightly accounts as of the last block of the day. Please visit the repo for more information.
This repo contains Shared code used by all other repos, including the Python GRPC SDK Please visit the repo for more information.
More repos to be added at a later stage.