Molecule_rxn is a python package used for generating possible intermediates from molecules in a recursive and brute-force way. SMILES notation can be generated from ASE trajectory file and graph representation. EC_fp enables customized invariants for atoms in Morgan Fingerprinting.
- Create conda environment and install
:conda create -n molecule_rxn -c rdkit/label/beta rdkit python=3.6
- Activate conda environment:
conda activate molecule_rxn
- Install dependencies:
- imolecule:
pip install imolecule
- networkx:
pip install networkx
- ASE:
pip install --upgrade --user ase
- Open Babel:
conda install -c conda-forge openbabel
- bitarray:
pip install bitarray
- imolecule:
- Download
:git clone
- Installation: install the package with
pip install -e molecule_rxn
from molecule_rxn.add_metal import add_metal, add_metal_all
species_single = add_metal().add_metal('[O]C[C]', 'Rh')
species_all = add_metal_all().add_metal_all(['[O]C[C]'], 'Rh')
from molecule_rxn.EC_fp.EC_fp import ecfp
from rdkit import Chem
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CO')
bitInfo = ecfp(mol, 2) #Mol object, radius