UC Berkeley, School of Public Health, California Childhood Leukemia Study
ruby >= 1.8.7 - primarily due to the liberal use of #inject
ruby <= 1.8.7 - primarily due to ruby 1.9.1 differences
ImageMagick (which may require MacPorts)
ImageMagick is used for image manipulation
curl - for the initial installation of rvm
mysql (not sqlite) - because …
a manually triggered rollback in the Addressing model
the SubjectSearch model contains explicit MySQL code
gem sources -a gem sources -a
RedCloth - textile parser.
chronic - natural language Date/Time parser. (removed from app, but may also be required for BackgrounDRb)
packet - requirement for BackgrounDRb
acts_as_list - for maintaining order in all things listable
validatious-on-rails - CONSIDERING the use of this javascript form validator
rcov - testing
mocha - testing
autotest-rails - testing
ZenTest - testing
thoughtbot-factory_girl - testing
will_paginate - for object pagination
rubycas-client - user authentication
ucb_ldap - user info
ssl_requirement - for managing https pages
ccls-ccls_engine - contains all of the common code used in several apps
ccls-calnet_authenticated - user authentication
ccls-simply_authorized - user authorization
ccls-ruby_extension - modifications, updates and patches for ruby.
jrails - jquery helper methods
# Copy session file. cp config/initializers/session_store.rb.example config/initializers/session_store.rb # Copy and setup database file. cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml # Copy and setup shared_database file to match ccls_engine's. cp config/shared_database.yml.example config/shared_database.yml # Copy and add your own FedEx credentials. cp config/fed_ex.yml.example config/fed_ex.yml # Copy and add your own S3 credentials. cp config/s3.yml.example config/s3.yml # Copy and add your own gmail credentials. cp config/initializers/mail.rb.example config/initializers/mail.rb
rvm / jruby installation ( Installing RVM ) …
curl | bash # or sudo gem install rvm /usr/lib/ruby/user-gems/1.8/gems/rvm-0.1.27/bin/rvm-install # add ... # if [[ -s ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm ; fi # to your .bashrc vi .bashrc bash rvm install jruby rvm use jruby # or perhaps rvm --default jruby
For standard ruby users, install mysql gem …
# If using mysql ... # On Mac OS X: # sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql # On Mac OS X Leopard: # sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config # ... I had to install the mysql gem like so ... sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
Everybody join hands together now to install some gems …
# # Some gems require manual installation for one reason or another. # # (sudo may or may not be required or desired. # Usage of sudo will/may cause gem installation in /usr/lib # which may then require using sudo when running rake tasks # or other things. `gem list` and `sudo gem list` will differ. # I recommend avoiding using sudo with rvm, but its your # kitchen.) # gem source -a gem source -a sudo gem install rake -v '=0.8.7' sudo gem install hpricot sudo gem install rdoc -v '~> 2' sudo gem install rails -v '~> 2' # # The rest should actually install with ... # sudo rake gems:install # # This eventually crashed with ... # # Error: Your application used more memory than the safety cap of 500m. # Specify -J-Xmx####m to increase it (#### = cap size in MB). # Specify -w for full OutOfMemoryError stack trace # # or # # /Users/jake/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.5.0.RC1/bin/gem:13:in `require': # load error: rubygems -- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (LoadError) # # ... but a rerun continued and completed. # sudo rake gems:install # # Some gems are defined in the environments/test.rb file # sudo rake gems:install RAILS_ENV=test
then we continue …
# Add your own session secret to config/initializers/session_store.rb # generate a 128 character hex string perfect for using as your secret. rake secret rake db:migrate # add some expected items (loads fixtures OVERWRITING some db data) rake app:update script/server script/backgroundrb start # login to your app # The first administrator/deputy must be created via the command line. # Others can be created via the command line or web app. # rake app:deputize uid=<Your CalNet UID>
As this app is being installed on a VM Java jruby tomcat thing, we need special instructions. Apparently, for Tomcat 5, we need to use jruby-rack-0.9.6.jar, which is included in lib/.
Tomcat will unarchive the war file and DESTROY the existing unarchived version! Any file uploads will need to be kept elsewhere.
Before (or after) I recommend migrating the database from somewhere else using the production_prep ‘environment’.
( warble from a jruby environment to get the jruby specific gems ) [jakewendt@dev : ucb_ccls_homex ]> rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production_prep # rake app:update RAILS_ENV=production_prep # load fixtures? bash rvm use jruby warble scp homex.war [jakewendt@ccls-01]> sudo /sbin/service tomcat5 stop sudo su -l tomcat /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/homex cp ~jakewendt/homex.war /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/ exit sudo /sbin/service tomcat5 start tail -f /var/log/tomcat5/catalina.out
Inline documentation is sparse and incomplete, but I’m working on it.
sudo gem install rdoc --source rake doc:plugins rake doc:app open doc/app/README_rdoc.html
expire_fragment "#{request.try(:host_with_port)}#{page_path}"
so that it works without thetry
(not necessary) -
Add to
one of the images in rdoc isn’t always the correct directory depth and will create a flash error showing this
Make RDoc auto recognize the following rails commands and group them together under separate headings (like Public Instance Methods, Private Instance Methods, etc.)
Make RDoc auto recognize these specific commands and group them together under user definable separate headings (like Public Instance Methods, Private Instance Methods, etc.)
* so far, rdoc_rails does everything except the Owner relationship of the Aliquot (counter_cache is causing the problem)
rdoc the rake tasks??
thickbox-compressed.js has relative location for image which isn’t always correct.
Gradient images made with Gradient Image Maker