GroundingDINO Public
Forked from IDEA-Research/GroundingDINOThe official implementation of "Grounding DINO: Marrying DINO with Grounded Pre-Training for Open-Set Object Detection"
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 11, 2023 -
FastChat Public
Forked from lm-sys/FastChatThe release repo for "Vicuna: An Open Chatbot Impressing GPT-4"
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 9, 2023 -
segment-anything Public
Forked from facebookresearch/segment-anythingThe repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 7, 2023 -
CodeGeeX Public
Forked from THUDM/CodeGeeXCodeGeeX: An Open Multilingual Code Generation Model
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 4, 2023 -
Awesome-Backbones Public
Forked from Fafa-DL/Awesome-BackbonesIntegrate deep learning models for image classification | Backbone learning/comparison/magic modification project
Python UpdatedMar 11, 2023 -
deep-learning-for-image-processing Public
Forked from WZMIAOMIAO/deep-learning-for-image-processingdeep learning for image processing including classification and object-detection etc.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 9, 2023 -
flexible-yolov5 Public
Forked from Bobo-y/flexible-yolov5More readable and flexible yolov5 with more backbone(gcn, resnet, shufflenet, moblienet, efficientnet, hrnet, swin-transformer, etc) and (cbam,dcn and so on), and tensorrt
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 12, 2023 -
ImageRegistration Public
Forked from quqixun/ImageRegistrationA demo that implement image registration by matching SIFT descriptors and appling RANSAC and affine transformation.
Python UpdatedFeb 25, 2022 -
gpt-code-clippy Public
Forked from CodedotAl/gpt-code-clippyFull description can be found here: https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/pretrain-gpt-neo-for-open-source-github-copilot-model/7678?u=ncoop57
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 18, 2022 -
IT_book Public
Forked from guoxp/IT_book本项目收藏这些年来看过或者听过的一些不错的常用的上千本书籍,没准你想找的书就在这里呢,包含了互联网行业大多数书籍和面试经验题目等等。有人工智能系列(常用深度学习框架TensorFlow、pytorch、keras。NLP、机器学习,深度学习等等),大数据系列(Spark,Hadoop,Scala,kafka等),程序员必修系列(C、C++、java、数据结构、linux,设计模式、数据库等等)
UpdatedNov 28, 2020 -
deepbacksub Public
Forked from floe/backscrubVirtual Video Device for Background Replacement with Deep Semantic Segmentation
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2020 -
tfjs-models Public
Forked from tensorflow/tfjs-modelsPretrained models for TensorFlow.js
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 4, 2020 -
system_architect Public
Forked from ljq23/system_architect💯高质量的系统架构设计师(软考高级)备考资源库。更多资源可加②群:1087700294。
UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
colab_demo Public
Forked from summitgao/colab_demo中国海洋大学视觉实验室前沿理论小组 pytorch 学习
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 24, 2020 -
SAR_Change_Detection_GarborPCANet Public
Forked from summitgao/SAR_Change_Detection_GarborPCANetMatlab code for paper "Automatic Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on PCANet", IEEE GRSL 2016
C UpdatedNov 26, 2019 -
SKNet Public
Forked from pppLang/SKNettry to implement the CVPR 2019 paper "Selective Kernel Networks" by PyTorch
Python UpdatedOct 21, 2019 -
EMANet Public
Forked from Mr-Yuppie/EMANetThe code for Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation (ICCV'2019 Oral)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 4, 2019 -
SAR_Change_Detection_FDA_RMG Public
Forked from summitgao/SAR_Change_Detection_FDA_RMGThe matlab code for the JARS18 paper "Synthetic aperture radar image change detection based on frequency domain analysis and random multigraphs"
MATLAB UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
SAR_Change_Detection_CWNN Public
Forked from summitgao/SAR_Change_Detection_CWNNMatlab code for the GRSL19 paper "Sea ice change detection in SAR images based on convolutional-wavelet neural networks"
MATLAB UpdatedAug 2, 2019 -
rscup2019_classifier Public
Forked from Parker-Lyu/rscup2019_classifierrscup2019,分类赛道
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2019 -
STGCN Public
Forked from Davidham3/STGCNimplementation of STGCN for traffic prediction in IJCAI2018
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2019 -
keras-drop-block Public
Forked from Mr-Yuppie/keras-drop-blockDropBlock implemented in Keras
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2018 -
Convolutional-Block-Attention-Module Public
Forked from Youngkl0726/Convolutional-Block-Attention-ModuleUnofficial implementation of Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM)
Python UpdatedSep 6, 2018 -