An animation for 8tracks
NSInteger numRepeats; // defaults to 0
float duration; // defaults to 2.5
UIColor *graphColor; // defaults to paleWhite
-(void)animate; // starts drawing the 8tracks logo
-(void)stopAnimating; // stops drawing the 8tracks logo & removes it
-(BOOL)isAnimating; // returns YES if the logo is animating
-(void)startedAnimating; // fires when the logo starts animating
-(void)stoppedAnimating; // fires when the logo stops animating
UITableView* tableView; // weak instance of the tableView it's refreshing
id target; // target for selector
SEL refreshAction; // the action that is called for refresh
NSDate *refreshBeginTime; // will be the time that the refresh begins
UILabel* releaseToRefreshLabel; // label that indicates "Pull down to refresh"
CCO8trackView *logo; // the 8tracks logo
+(CCO8tracksUIRefreshControl *)attachToTableView:(UITableView *)tableView withTarget:(id)target andAction:(SEL)refreshAction; // creates a UIRefreshControl and addis it to the given tableView with the given target and given selector
-(void)finishedLoading; // called when the Controller finishes loading data
-(void)tableViewScrolled; // called when Controller receives delegate method for scrolling
-(void)userStoppedDragging; // called when Controller recieves delegate method for stopped scrolling