Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch Public
Forked from 649453932/Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch使用Bert,ERNIE,进行中文文本分类
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2021 -
funNLP Public
Forked from fighting41love/funNLP中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、…
Python UpdatedAug 31, 2019 -
2017submissions Public
Forked from pwn2winctf/2017submissionsPwn2Win CTF 2017 submissions
UpdatedOct 21, 2017 -
libinjection Public
Forked from client9/libinjectionSQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer
C++ Other UpdatedMar 12, 2017 -
annotated_redis_source Public
Forked from huangzworks/annotated_redis_source带有详细注释的 Redis 2.6 源码
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 13, 2016 -
mysql-server Public
Forked from mysql/mysql-serverMySQL Server, the world's most popular open source database, and MySQL Cluster, a real-time, open source transactional database.
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 1, 2016 -
goagent Public
Forked from jerryma119/goagenthttps://code.google.com/p/goagent/issues/list
Python UpdatedMar 7, 2015 -
jsoup-learning Public
Forked from code4craft/jsoup-learningJsoup学习笔记。添加了部分学习代码和注释。
Java MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2014