title |
cdituri/pandoc-htmldocs |
is a docker image which renders self-contained,
single-page HTML from a set of markdown input files. The markdown input files
and their build order are defined in build.docs.json
searches for the build.docs.json
document at
container run-time. Based on the order definied in the json document, a
self-contained, single-page HTML file is generated, directed to stdout.
# from the git repository root, run:
docker build -t cdituri/pandoc-htmldocs src/
# optionally, use this shell script:
# ./build.container.sh
Ensure that a build.docs.json file exists. The build.docs.json of this repository provides the following example:
# from the git repository root, run:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/src/" cdituri/pandoc-htmldocs > index.html
# optionally, use this shell script:
# ./build.docs.sh > index.html