App Link: [ Static Live Demo ]
Not Recommended, check Installation and Usage to run the Dynamic application
This Flask-based dynamic web application, "僕のTo Do List," allows users to manage their tasks efficiently. It is designed to provide two levels of functionality:
Live Session: Users can use the app without signing up or logging in. In this mode, tasks can be added, but they will not be saved beyond the current session.
User Accounts: To persistently save tasks and enable users to access them from any device, users can sign up and log in to create and manage their personalized to-do lists.
- Add Tasks: Users can add tasks in real-time during a live session. These tasks will only be available for the duration of the session.
User Registration: Users can create accounts with unique usernames and passwords to persistently store their tasks.
User Login: Registered users can log in securely to access their saved tasks.
Add, Update, Delete Tasks: Once logged in, users can add, update, and delete tasks. All changes will be stored in the database and accessible across sessions, forever.
Python: The app is written in Python, using the Flask framework.
SQL Database: SQLite is used to store user account information and their corresponding tasks.
HTML/CSS/JavaScript: For the user interface, a basic front-end is provided with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for interactivity.
You can deploy this Flask app on various platforms. Currently, it's set up for Python Anywhere (for static), but you should choose any cloud service that supports Python and Flask.
For Google Cloud Platform, it's recommended you use an API like Compute Engine to deploy the app. When you do :
$ git clone
$ cd To-Do-List
$ gcloud app deploy
It may deploy the app, but there are high chances of getting a 500 Server Error when you visit the URL to which the app has been deployed.
Clone this repository to your local machine
$ git clone
Navigate to the root directory of the project
$ cd To-Do-List
Create a Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv myenv
with the name you want to give to your virtual environment. -
Activate the Virtual Environment Windows:
Linux:source myenv/bin/activate
Install necessary packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the database Open up Python in a shell with
and type>>> from app import app, db >>> app.app_context().push() >>> db.create_all() >>> exit()
Run the App
$ flask run
for no debugging$ python3
for debuging enabled -
Open the app in browser Open up an browser and type in the address bar
Enjoy the app 🍥🍥🍥
While this application provides basic task management functionality, there are several areas where you can enhance it:
User Profile: Allow users to customize their profiles, add avatars, and set preferences.
Task Categories: Implement categorization of tasks to help users organize better.
Task Edits: Users are currently unable to edit their tasks, that is a huge disadvantage of the app that you, Dev-san may take advantage of. (Just include another button in the innerHTML, write a few lines of JavaScript to update the text and Boom! You'll be there)
Notifications: Send reminders or notifications for upcoming tasks.
Collaboration: Enable users to share tasks or lists with others.