Webpack loader for Dojo Toolkit 1.x (actually, tested with version 1.10). It adapts dojo modules so they can be bundled by webpack and even used out of Dojo Toolkit ecosystem.
Originally, i have wrote this loader to be able to use remarkable dgrid component in my new project which based on webpack. Later i have added support for dijit
package, so i hope it is enough to work with most of dojo projects. If you have any questions or problems with loader, please feel free to ask.
Why custom loader is needed? Because of specificity of dojo modules, webpack cannot bundle them itself (when i first tried it just had greedy required all modules until it had failed in error). So dojo-webpack-loader
transforms modules to handle dojo loaders such as dojo/nls!
, dojo/text!
, disables dynamic requiring (all modules should be already in bundle) and provides api for widgets registration (used bydojo/parser
You can see example of webpacked dgrid
here: https://rawgit.com/Nordth/dojo-webpack-loader-examples/master/dgrid_02_stores.html
... coming soon ...