User-friendly React component to build queries.
Forked from
Inspired by jQuery QueryBuilder
Using awesome Ant Design for widgets
- Highly configurable
- Fields can be of type:
- simple (string, number, bool, date/time/datetime, list)
- structs (will be displayed in selectbox as tree of members)
- custom type (dev should add its own widget component for this) (it's not complex, you can add slider for example)
- Comparison operators can be:
- binary (== != < > ..)
- unary (is empty, is null)
- 'between' (for numbers)
- complex operators like 'proximity'
- Values of fields can be compared with values -or- another fields (of same type)
- Reordering support for rules and groups of rules
- Using awesome Ant Design
Install: npm i react-awesome-query-builder
See examples/demo
as example of usage and configuration.
For full reordering support you need to add class query-builder-container
for dom-element which is holding your querybuilder component AND has scrolling. If there is no such dom-element (only body) you can do nothing.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Query, Builder, Utils as QbUtils} from 'react-awesome-query-builder';
import config from './config'; //see below 'Config format'
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/styles.scss';
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/compact_styles.scss';
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/denormalize.scss';
class DemoQueryBuilder extends Component {
render() {
return (
//value={you can pass object here, see tree at onChange}
getChildren(props) {
return (
<div className="query-builder">
<Builder {...props} />
<div>Query string: {QbUtils.queryString(props.tree, props.config)}</div>
onChange(tree) {
//here you can save tree object
import {Widgets, Operators} from 'react-awesome-query-builder';
const {
} = Widgets;
import en_US from 'antd/lib/locale-provider/en_US';
export default {
conjunctions: {
'AND': {
label: 'And', //label for conjunctions swicther
//(for building query string) function to join rules into group
// children - list of already formatted queries (strings) to be joined with conjuction
// isForDisplay - false by default, for building query string for SQL/expression/etc.,
// true can be used to format query string displayed on collapsed query group
// (not used for now, see Issue #2)
formatConj: (Immultable.List children, string conj, bool isForDisplay) => string,
'OR': ...same as for 'AND'
fields: {
//Example of atomic field:
name: {
label: 'Quantity',
type: 'number', //one of types described below in section 'types'
//Settings for widgets
// Available settings for Number widget: min, max, step
fieldSettings: {
min: 2,
//List of values for Select widget
listValues: {
//<key>: <label to display at list of options>,
yellow: 'Yellow',
green: 'Green',
//(optional) You can override here some options of config of corresponding type:
// 'operators', 'defaultOperator', 'widgets', 'valueSources' (see below at section 'types')
//Example of special struct field:
members: { //key of field
label: 'Members', //label to display at list of fields
type: '!struct', //special type for struct
subfields: { //only for type == '!struct'
subname: { //key of subfield
label: 'Subname', //label for list of fields
//label for field menu's toggler (for config.renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown == true)
label2: 'MemberName',
type: 'text', //one of types described below in section 'types'
...other fields
types: {
number: { //type key
//(optional) Values of fields can be compared with values or another fields
// (see settings.valueSourcesInfo). If you want to compare values of this type
// only with values or other fields of this type, edit:
valueSources: ['value'],
//Available widgets for type and its configs:
widgets: {
number: { //widget key, see section 'widgets' below
//List of operators can be applied to this type (see section 'operators' below)
operators: ['greater', 'less'],
defaultOperator: 'greater', //default operator to be selected for this type
//Config for this widget (all optional):
widgetProps: {
//for example, here you can overwrire 'valueLabel', 'valuePlaceholder',
// for date/time: 'timeFormat', 'dateFormat', 'valueFormat'
//Config for operators for this widget (all optional):
opProps: {
between: { //operator key
//for example, here you can overwrire 'valueLabels'
...other ops
//Most of types can have only 1 widget, but for list there can be 2:
// single-select widget (for op ==) and multi-select widget (for op 'in')
...other widgets if applicable
//'field' is special widget to compare values of field of this type
// with another fields (of this type)
field: { can overwrire 'operators' for example
...other types
operators: {
equal: { //operator key
label: '==', //label for selectbox
labelForFormat: '==', //string used for formatting query, only if 'formatOp' is not present
reversedOp: 'not_equal', //operator opposite to current
cardinality: 1, //number of right operands (1 for binary, 2 for 'between')
isUnary: true,
//(for building query string) function to format rule
// value - string (already formatted value) for cardinality==1
// -or- Immutable.List of strings for cardinality!=1
formatOp: (string field, string op, mixed value, string valueSrc, string valueType,
Object opDef, Object operatorOptions, bool isForDisplay) => string,
//for cardinality==2 ('between')
valueLabels: ['Value from', {label: 'Value to', placeholder: 'Enter value to'}],
textSeparators: [null, 'and'],
...also see examples/demo for config of 'proximity' operator
widgets: {
text: {
type: "text", //see 'types' section
valueSrc: 'value', //'value' or 'field' (only for special 'field' widget)
factory: (props) => <TextWidget {...props} />, //React component
//(for building query string) function to format widget's value
formatValue: (mixed val, Object fieldDef, Object wgtDef, bool isForDisplay) => string,
//func to validate widget's value
validateValue: (mixed val, Object fieldDef) => bool,
// common:
valueLabel: "Text",
valuePlaceholder: "Enter text",
// for date/time widgets:
timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
// ...for your custom widgets you can add here your options
...other widgets (you can add your custom ones here)
...also there should be special 'field' widget, see examples/demo
settings: {
//Locale used for AntDesign widgets
locale: {
short: 'en',
full: 'en-US',
antd: en_US,
//To shorten long labels of fields/values (by length, i.e. number of chars)
maxLabelsLength: 50,
//Placement of antdesign's dropdown pop-up menu (default: 'bottomLeft')
dropdownPlacement: 'bottomRight',
//Don't show conjunctions switcher for only 1 rule?
hideConjForOne: true,
//Size of AntDesign components
renderSize: 'small',
//How to render conjunctions switcher? true - use RadioGroup, false - use ButtonGroup
renderConjsAsRadios: false,
//How to render fields/ops list? true - use Dropdown/Menu, false - use Select
renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown: false,
//Strategies for selecting operator for new field (used by order until success)
// 'default' (default if present), 'keep' (keep prev from last field), 'first', 'none'
setOpOnChangeField: ['keep', 'default'],
//Clear value on field change? false - if prev & next fields have same type (widget), keep
clearValueOnChangeField: false,
//Clear value on operator change?
clearValueOnChangeOp: false,
setDefaultFieldAndOp: false,
//Max nesting for rule groups
maxNesting: 10,
//Separaor for struct fields
fieldSeparator: '.', //also used for formatting
fieldSeparatorDisplay: '->', //used for toggler's text for renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown==true
//Show labels under all ui fields?
showLabels: false,
//Next options are for localization:
valueLabel: "Value",
valuePlaceholder: "Value",
fieldLabel: "Field",
operatorLabel: "Operator",
fieldPlaceholder: "Select field",
operatorPlaceholder: "Select operator",
deleteLabel: null,
addGroupLabel: "Add group",
addRuleLabel: "Add rule",
delGroupLabel: null,
valueSourcesPopupTitle: "Select value source",
//Leave empty group after deletion or add 1 clean rule immediately?
canLeaveEmptyGroup: true, //after deletion
//(for building query string) function to format rule with reverse operator
// which haven't 'formatOp'
// q - already formatted rule for opposite operator (which have 'formatOp')
// return smth like "NOT(" + q + ")"
formatReverse: (string q, string operator, string reversedOp, Object operatorDefinition,
Object revOperatorDefinition, bool isForDisplay) => string,
//(for building query string) function to format field
// parts - for struct field
// label2 - with using of 'fieldSeparatorDisplay'
//just return field (or label2 for isForDisplay==true)
formatField: (string field, Array parts, string label2, Object fieldDefinition, Object config,
bool isForDisplay) => string,
//Values of fields can be compared with values or another fields
//If you want to disable this feature and leave only comparing with values, remove 'field'
valueSourcesInfo: {
value: {
label: "Value"
field: {
label: "Field",
widget: "field",
//Activate reordering support for rules and groups of rules?
canReorder: true,
//(For comparing field with field) Function for building right list of fields to compare
canCompareFieldWithField: (string leftField, Object leftFieldConfig, string rightField,
Object rightFieldConfig) => {
//for type == 'select'/'multiselect' you can check listValues
return true;
To build the component locally, clone this repo then run:
npm install
npm run examples
Then open localhost:3001 in a browser.
npm run build-npm
- Builds a npm module. Output path:build/npm
npm run build-global
- Builds with webpack the self contained pack of the component. Output path:build/global
npm run build-examples
- Builds with webpack the examples. Output path:examples
npm run examples
- Builds with webpack the examples and runs a dev-server on ./scripts/
- Update gh pages
The repo sticks in general to the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.
MIT. See also LICENSE.txt