git clone
cd erp.eform
git submodule update --init
dotnet restore
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
*dotnet run --project api
*close all browser to apply trust
*vscode: ctrl+shift+p => Select Project => erp.eform
cd ui\ClientApp
npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
*ng serve --project eform
*first time will take time to compiling es2015 as esm2015 for node_modules
*ng generate application csdpe --prefix=csdpe
*update formData properties
"download-schema:csdpe": "curl --ntlm --negotiate -u: https://localhost:5001/graphql/csdpe?sdl -o ./libraries/eform-graphql-api/src/lib/generated/schemas/csdpe.graphql",
"codegen:csdpe": "npm run download-schema:csdpe && set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0&& graphql-codegen --config libraries/eform-graphql-api/src/lib/config/csdpe.yml",