Simple nodejs script for checking HTTPS page for unsecure HTTP requests which are considered mixed content.
What Is Mixed Content? | Web | Google Developers by Jo-el van Bergen
Mixed content - Web security | MDN
This is not a production-ready code, just my simple script which helped me one day and which also can be a little example of using JavaScript. The script does not render document and does not process inline styles.. so, it should be the next iteration. Also the script does not classify mixed content as passive/display or active content, it is pretty simply.
Be sure you have nodejs >=6.0.0
, and then:
$ node getmixc.js URL
will show you unsecure requests on the HTTPS page by URL.
Page with unsecure requests:
$ node getmixc.js
Mixed content requests on the page (2):
<embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="315" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560">
<script language="JavaScript" src="">
Healthy page without unsecure requests:
$ node getmixc.js
The page doesn`t have mixed content requests
Page is redirected to another localtion (has returned 3xx status code):
$ node getmixc.js
Error: The page is redirected to ""
Page has returned another status code:
$ node getmixc.js
Error: The page has returned 404 status code