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Tags: cferdinandi/reef



Toggle v13.0.6's commit message
Fixed structuredClone() issue with Proxy that was blocking rendering


Toggle v13.0.5's commit message
Fixed incorrect signal data #210


Toggle v13.0.4's commit message
Fixed attribute removal bug


Toggle v13.0.3's commit message
Fixed issue with multiple event listeners - #200


Toggle v13.0.2's commit message
Added support for fragments


Toggle v13.0.1's commit message
Fixed reef-ignore diffing check


Toggle v13.0.0's commit message
- The `store()` function has been renamed `signal()` (and the `reef:s…

…tore` event has been renamed `reef:signal`) to better align with industry norms.

- The `reef:signal` event passes along the name and value of the updated property rather than the entire data object.
- The `setter()` function has been renamed `store()` to more accurately describe what it is and does.
- The `listeners()` function has been removed, as it was deprecated in v12.
- When using `on*` event listeners, you can no longer pass in arguments. This was done for XSS attack/security reasons.
- A new `focus()` function was added to improve accessibility when rendering UIs.
- Changes were made to the `render()` function's DOM diffing to improve performance.
- A `[reef-ignore]` attribute was added that can be used to exclude specific template elements from DOM diffing after initial render.
- Added support for a `[key]` attribute to more easily ID list elements for more efficient DOM diffing.


Toggle v12.5.0's commit message
Added support for arguments on event listeners


Toggle v12.4.0's commit message
Updated how events work


Toggle v12.3.2's commit message
Fixed but with listeners() that would strip out other attributes