b3log-solo Public
Forked from b3log/soloB3log Solo is an open source Java blogging program could run on GAE or a local servlet container.
jeecg-boot Public
Forked from jeecgboot/JeecgBoot一款基于代码生成器的JAVA快速开发平台!全新架构前后端分离:SpringBoot 2.x,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码,绝对是全栈开发福音!! JeecgBoot的宗旨是提高UI能力的同时,降低前后分离的开发成本,JeecgBoot还独创在线开发模式,No代码概念,一系列在线智能开发:在线配置表单、在…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 24, 2019 -
QLExpress Public
Forked from alibaba/QLExpressQLExpress is a powerful, lightweight, dynamic language for the Java platform aimed at improving developers’ productivity in different business scenes.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
jeesite4 Public
Forked from thinkgem/jeesite5Java EE 企业级快速开发平台,基于经典技术组合(Spring Boot、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、Beetl、Bootstrap、AdminLTE),在线代码生成功能,包括核心模块如:组织机构、角色用户、菜单及按钮授权、数据权限、系统参数、内容管理、工作流等。采用松耦合设计;界面无刷新,一键换肤;众多账号安全设置,密码策略;在线定时任务配置;支持集…
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 16, 2018 -
dubbox Public
Forked from dangdangdotcom/dubboxDubbox now means Dubbo eXtensions, and it adds features like RESTful remoting, Kyro/FST serialization, etc to the Dubbo service framework.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 30, 2017 -
crawler4j Public
Forked from yasserg/crawler4jOpen Source Web Crawler for Java
Java Other UpdatedJun 24, 2017 -
PiggyMetrics Public
Forked from sqshq/piggymetricsMicroservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2017 -
jsgen Public
Forked from zensh/jsgenJsGen is a next generation,free, open source web software that you can generate a powerful website, such as blog, forum, etc. It is coded by pure JavaScript, based on Node.js, AngularJS, MongoDB.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2013 -
platform-public-distributions Public
Forked from exoplatform/platform-public-distributionseXo Platform Public Distributions
Shell UpdatedNov 6, 2013 -
platform-ui Public
Forked from exoplatform/platform-uiPlatform Skin
gatein-portal-quickstart Public
Forked from jboss-developer/jboss-portal-quickstartsThe quickstarts demonstrate Portlets for GateIn Portal. They provide small, specific, working examples that can be used as a reference for your own project.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 15, 2013 -
focusns Public
Forked from gavin-hu/focusnsFocusSNS 是一款基于主题的SNS软件,用于构建网站社区!--- 当前版本仍处在开发阶段...
JavaScript GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedSep 7, 2013 -
extension-tutorial Public
Forked from exoplatform/extension-tutorialExtension Tutorial
Groovy UpdatedJun 10, 2013 -
mongojack Public
Forked from mongojack/mongojackMongoDB Jackson Mapper
Java Other UpdatedApr 20, 2013 -