P5 workshop on interaction and noise.
Everyone in the workshop worked toward creating sketches that used either interaction or noise or both. A side goal was to combine all the sketches into a single interactive sketch. You may view that collaboration at http://cha-art-dev.github.io/collaboration-002/. It requires a relatively modern browser. You can click to run it full screen. If you leave the mouse still for 20 seconds it will enter auto-pilot mode.
The collaboration required some alteration of the sketches. The background and clear functions are only supported some of the time. Also some sketches did not run fast enough to keep from interfering with others, so they have been left out. Links to all unaltered sketches are below.
- acrite22 (1)
- acrite22 (2)
- acrite22 (3)
- acruikshank (1)
- acruikshank (2)
- acruikshank (3)
- acruikshank (4)
- benjaminleeschnell (1)
- benjaminleeschnell (2)
- benjaminleeschnell (3)
- HLV3H (2)
- HLV3H (3)
- HLV3H (4)
- mhelenm (1)
- mhelenm (2)
- mhelenm (3)
- riverKanies (1)
- riverKanies (2)
- riverKanies (3)
- riverKanies (4)
- riverKanies (5)
- riverKanies (6)
- riverKanies (8)
- riverKanies (9)
- riverKanies (10)
- seabre (1)
- seabre (2)
- seabre (3)
- seabre (4)
- seabre (5)
- skohlhorst (1)
- skohlhorst (2)