Golang Configuration tool that support YAML, JSON, Shell Environment
package main
import (
var Config = struct {
APPName string `default:"app name"`
DB struct {
Name string
User string `default:"root"`
Password string `required:"true" env:"DBPassword"`
Port uint `default:"3306"`
Contacts []struct {
Name string
Email string `required:"true"`
func main() {
configor.Load(&Config, "config.yml")
fmt.Printf("config: %#v", Config)
With configuration file config.yml:
appname: test
name: test
user: test
password: test
port: 1234
- name: i test
email: [email protected]
- Load mutiple configurations
// Earlier configurations have higher priority
configor.Load(&Config, "application.yml", "database.json")
- Different configuration for each environment
to set the environment.
not set, when running tests with go test
, the ENV will be test
, otherwise, it will be development
// config.go
configor.Load(&Config, "config.json")
$ go run config.go
// Will load `config.json`, `config.development.json` if it is exist
// And `config.development.json` will overwrite `config.json`'s configuration
// You could use this to share same configuration across different environments
$ CONFIGOR_ENV=production go run config.go
// Will load `config.json`, `config.production.json` if it is exist
// And `config.production.json` will overwrite `config.json`'s configuration
$ go test
// Will load `config.json`, `config.test.json` if it is exist
// And `config.test.json` will overwrite `config.json`'s configuration
$ CONFIGOR_ENV=production go test
// Will load `config.json`, `config.production.json` if it is exist
// And `config.production.json` will overwrite `config.json`'s configuration
- Example Configuration
// config.go
configor.Load(&Config, "config.yml")
$ go run config.go
// Will load `config.example.yml` automatically if `config.yml` not found and print warning message
- Read From Shell Environment
$ CONFIGOR_APPNAME="hello world" CONFIGOR_DB_NAME="hello world" go run config.go
// Will use shell environment's value if found with upcase of prefix (by default is CONFIGOR) + field name as key
// You could overwrite the prefix with environment CONFIGOR_ENV_PREFIX, for example:
$ CONFIGOR_ENV_PREFIX="WEB" WEB_APPNAME="hello world" WEB_DB_NAME="hello world" go run config.go
- With flags
func main() {
config := flag.String("file", "config.yml", "configuration file")
flag.StringVar(&Config.APPName, "name", "", "app name")
flag.StringVar(&Config.DB.Name, "db-name", "", "database name")
flag.StringVar(&Config.DB.User, "db-user", "root", "database user")
os.Setenv("CONFIGOR_ENV_PREFIX", "-")
configor.Load(&Config, *config)
// configor.Load(&Config) // only load configurations from shell env & flag
Released under the MIT License