YouCompleteMe needs vim installed with python and some other dependencies:
brew install vim cmake
cd ~/
git clone [email protected]:challiwill/vimfiles.git
echo "source ~/.vimfiles/vimrc" >> ~/.vimrc
Then open vim and run :PlugInstall
<Leader> is ','
gf open file under cursorin the same window
<c-w>f open in a new window
<c-w>gf open in a new tab
gt go to test/implementation file (depends on `.projections.json` file)
<ctrl>-p fuzzy find file in same root directory
<Leader>e open file from same directory as current file
<space> toggle fold
zM fold all
zR open all folds
zc close fold
zo open fold
za toggle fold
zC close folds to top level
zO open folds to top level
zA toggle folds to top level
<ctrl>-f page down
<ctrl>-b page up
gcc comment/uncomment